Afbeelding auteur

Amber Jerome~NorrgardBesprekingen

Auteur van Jeffrey

10+ Werken 12 Leden 8 Besprekingen


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I enjoyed the story and when I read it, immediately I thought it was a snippet of time in a relationship. Perhaps that is my own perception, there is no statement that the two characters are long-time lovers or even in a relationship, it was just the feeling invoked from the reading.

To me the story is not vulgar and explicit for the sake of vulgarity. It was the peek into the private time of two lovers, with love and passion equally present.

This is an erotic short-story for the thinking woman.

I posted this review on Amazon and will be completing a longer, more detailed review on my website -
Deena-Rae | 1 andere bespreking | Mar 28, 2023 |
I feel for a short story this one had a lot in it. Normally with this length of writing there’s not much that happens, at least in the erotic genre which this is in. I’ve read some erotic stories that are of similar length and normally it’s (boiled down to) “hi, let’s have sex, ok,” then the story ends.

Norrgard was able to establish a very real world character in her main character. The set up for bringing James into her life was worked out well, also. I feel this story doesn’t need the erotic label thrown on it (aside from a few descriptive words at certain points). It could easily pass as a great story without that.

The way the MC dealt with an issue she couldn’t bring herself to handle (won’t be more descriptive to avoid a spoiler) wasn’t to my liking. But because of this it showed how flawed an individual can be. It took a while for her to learn her mistake and that’s life for you. Not everything works out perfectly, especially with romance and strong emotions getting in the way. Take it as a lesson and don’t make the mistake in real life. That’s the moral of that part of the story.

Overall I was very pleased with this story and savored every line. More from this author will be going onto my wishlist now
Robert.Zimmermann | Oct 7, 2013 |
This is yet another great story by Norrgard. I haven't had good experience with reading erotic stories before. They just don't do anything for me normally. And more often than not, I don't find that the authors write very well either. It's basically describe the encounters as blandly as possible and finish the story.

Norrgard drags the reader into the story itself. The reader isn't just reading what's going in the bedroom, he or she is visualizing, feeling, being part of the story itself. This was a new experience in my erotic readings and I quite enjoyed it.

Aside from the sexual elements in this story, there was also more. There was the part that I find is lacking elsewhere in this genre. The main characters have an arrangement where they are friends with benefits. But when feelings may start developing, an end must occur to the relationship. There are few words on the subject, yet there is much being said and more to be speculated that made me give this story such a great rating. It's what's NOT said that makes this story so powerful.

I never thought I'd have this to say about something with so much sex in it, but this was a beautifully written story about sexual encounters and what happens when a character has real human emotions.
Robert.Zimmermann | Oct 7, 2013 |
I have previously reviewed three of the stories included in this collection. They are James, Jeffrey, and David. I won’t get into much specifics about them or the other work presented in wanting. They’re all great stories, as well as a few poems thrown in the mix.

Overall the collection is a great showcase of Norrgard’s talent for writing great erotica. Like I’ve mentioned in my past reviews, there is a well thought out plot, thoroughly developed characters, and an actual story to read. Sex is still the focus on these stories, but it’s not the only thing worth reading.

The sexual encounters are also up to par with the story writing. They step it up a notch from generic erotica by being creative and mature about the word choice of certain body parts and a variety of action words used throughout.

You won’t find a cookie-cutter erotic journey in Wanting. This is a collection for those looking for a little “dirty fun” while still wanting to read well written stories.
Robert.Zimmermann | Oct 7, 2013 |
Here is yet another of Norrgard’s stories that I’ve enjoyed. Unlike the other two that I’ve read/reviewed so far (James and Jeffrey) this story get down to the core of the erotic experience right away. There’s no build up, no back story, nothing. I would normally shy away from that. I know it’s erotica and sex is the main plot device of the genre, but it doesn’t really make me want to read the stories. There needs to be something else.

With David even though it wasn’t stated clearly what the relationship between the two characters is, as a reader looking for more, I actually found it. I found it in my questions, not in the text. I was left to think about a possible situation in my own head without it being thrown in my face, forcing me to accept it. This was great because even tough the story is from a female’s first person POV, I was able to throw myself into the story. I was able to become the characters and experience it “first-hand.”

Another thing I’ve enjoyed about Norrgard’s work is her intimacy. There isn’t vulgar language for the sake of being able to say (sorry if you can’t handle these words) cock, pussy, cunt, etc just because erotica allows for it easily. Norrgard presents a sexual situation by using language that’s both creative and non-offensive. There’s no feeling that it’s written like it’s been cut from a mold. “Insert word for penis here. Add another out-of-place reference here.”

The story’s short, but it’s to the point. I wasn’t bored at all and I kept flipping the pages for more. I’m definitely a fan of Amber Jerome-Norrgard. David solidified it for me.
Robert.Zimmermann | 1 andere bespreking | Oct 7, 2013 |
*This review is for an ARC of The Allegory of Dusk

Reading this collection of stories by Amber Jerome-Norrgard was a must for me. Previous to this I had only read her erotic short stories (all of which I enjoyed) and bits of her two poetry collections. But how could this author hold up to writing a collection of literary fiction compared to what I was used to her doing?

The answer to that is: yes! It's short. It's hard-hitting. And while it wasn't the happiest material to read (and I'm sure not the happiest to write about) it was a welcomed collection of stories to my library. The subjects brought up in The Allegory of Dusk deal largely with troubled relationships, from brand new to breaking or already passed fixing. There are also many other real life, yet unpleasant, situations,as well.

Stories like The Loss of Beautiful Naivety and Empty & Shattered really hit hard. What these two stories have in common can spring up in anyone's life. I'd rather not get into specifics for fear of spoilers of any kind, but let me just say that sometimes life is tough. As the author states in the introduction the book "focuses on what happens when the worst occurs in our life." No one's immune to hardship and heart-break. And the reality these stories bring to light aren't only in the fictional world. This is real life being lived out by fictional characters. I'm not saying they specifically were real people, but they could be you or me, or a neighbor or relative. I think that's made this collection so haunting and beautiful at the same time.

Norrgard doesn't hold back. She doesn't shield her readers from the ugly aspects of life. There's no sugar-coating. But I think after reading The Allegory of Dusk I have a better appreciation for my life and my relationships with others.
Robert.Zimmermann | Oct 7, 2013 |
Yes ANOTHER great erotic short from this author. Norrgard has yet to disappoint me, and "Why Not?" is no exception to that.

This short has a good amount of well written sexy elements to it. It also has what seems like a straightforward plot...but then there's no, no I can't even say that. I can't spoil the full experience of "Why Not?" by saying much more.

This was a great story from beginning to end. Definitely wasn't what I expected. It was more than what I expected.
Robert.Zimmermann | Oct 7, 2013 |
Jerome~Norrgard brings her readers yet another great short, with “Say It.” Having read her other erotic shorts, I can say that this isn’t likely to disappoint veteran readers of the author’s work.

While this story is only a few pages long, Jerome~Norrgard uses limited space efficiently and doesn’t waste time getting down to it. There’s not much I can discuss without telling the story itself, due to length, but even with a short word count there’s a nice glimpse into the relationship between the characters, yet it doesn’t get in the way of the sexy elements of the story either.

This is great for a reader with a few minutes to spare in the middle of a busy day. I’ve even read it twice already. It’s worth checking out, as is the rest of Jerome~Norrgard’s erotic work.
Robert.Zimmermann | Oct 7, 2013 |
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