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Four stars. A good plot and good characters.
Sassyjd32 | 6 andere besprekingen | Dec 22, 2023 |
This is one of those novels where the author takes all the loose ends and ties them up in a nice little bow at the end, which is really refreshing. And, too, there was so much more to this novel than at first appeared. I am a reader who loves atmosphere, and “travelling” new places through my books, and this one did not disappoint – from Australia to Paris to the French countryside, so many new things to experience through this story!

*Thank you to Alexandra Joel, Harper Perennial publishers, and GoodReads Giveaways for providing a free Advance Reader Copy in exchange for this honest review.*

As to one reason why I say there’s so much more to this than at first expected: We know from the back cover that our main character, Grace, becomes a model in Paris and falls head-over-heals in love with the tall, dark and handsome Philippe who just might have more history in his past than he is willing to reveal. What we don’t fully absorb, although it’s referenced (I’m not relating any spoilers here) is that the first third of the novel takes place in Grace’s (and the author’s) native Australia – and this is one part of the book I truly loved. Never having been to the Land Down-Under myself, I was fascinated by the rural life Grace led there, along with the knowledge Grace needed to thrive on the sheep farm run by her father. The descriptions of the Australian countryside – the sunny weather, the work on the farm - were quite captivating.

Grace also, through the events of the story that I will be careful not to spoil, finds herself in the French countryside, with its slow, warm charm.

A story is often remembered by how you feel at the end, and this one had a definite, satisfying finish! It was tracking as a 3-star for “I like it” for most of the novel for me, but the way author Alexandra Joel loops back and wraps everything together was like a cold beer on a hot day – such a simple pleasure, but one often missed by other authors! For that reason, I’m awarding an extra star for “I really liked it”. Notable too, is the ending Author’s Note which reflects quite a bit of effort on Joel’s part to tell this true story. I wasn’t certain at first if it was “based on” or “actual” – turns out it’s true! – which makes it all the better!

Conclusion: A complex tale well told and an enjoyable read!

Desiree_Reads | 6 andere besprekingen | Aug 31, 2021 |
t's the late 1950s and Blaise is trying to become a reporter, a job that has been held exclusively by men. The only women who worked at the newspaper were the few women who worked on the women's pages which was not considered real news. When she has her first interview, she's told that she doesn't have what it takes to be a reporter but she finally gets a job as a 'copy boy' and works her way up to a night reporter job. She's ridiculed and the butt of jokes by the male reporters but she works hard to fulfill her dreams. When she makes a crucial mistake with a breaking story, she is sent to work on the women's pages. This is a job that she's always looked down on but as she makes friends and begins to enjoy the job. When she is sent to London the cover the wedding of Princess Margaret, she's thrilled with the chance to prove herself. However she left behind a potential scandal in Sydney and believes its behind her until she starts receiving mysterious letters from someone who knows her secret. London is a total change for her - it's the 60s and London is full of fun and vibrant people and the era was referred to as the Swinging Sixties. Will Blaise be able to keep her secret from jeopardizing her current exciting life or will it all blow up in her face?

I loved the main character - she was gutsy and tenacious when she went after her dream of becoming a reporter. She stood up to the men in the newsroom who wanted to belittle her for being a woman. Her life changed dramatically from the poor section of Sydney with very few clothes to London where she is respected and has a whole new wardrobe of stylish and popular clothes. It was more than the job and the clothes - Blaise continued to work hard at her job to bring the real news to the people.

I loved the writing, the plot and the characters of this novel and will read whatever the author writes in the future.

Thanks to goodreads for a copy of this book to read and review. All opinions are my own.
susan0316 | 1 andere bespreking | Jul 17, 2021 |
Thanks to HarperCollins and Netgalley for an advanced readers copy in exchange for an honest review.

What a pleasure! Extensive research by the author sets this book apart from other historical fiction. A Sydney girl from the rough side of town gets a job with a Sydney newspaper, the Clarion. Through hard work and a nose for the news, Blaise Hill becomes a cadet reporter in a field reserved for men. She also gets mixed up in a murder, covering up for an old childhood friend from the streets who kills a drug dealer in self-defense.

Blaise hides the murder weapon in her handbag and is wondering how to get rid of it when a handsome and sexy stranger, Adam, appears out of nowhere and, claiming to be a friend of her old pal, takes the bloody knife off Blaise's hands. Blaise is very attractive to Adam but knows almost nothing about him.

To Blaise's disappointment, she is reassigned to the Women's Pages at the Clarion and given a Devil-Wears-Prada style makeover. The newly glamorous Blaise falls into an exciting gig covering the royal family for the Advocate in London, beginning with the royal ball celebrating the impending royal wedding of Princess Margaret. When scandal threatens to envelop Margaret's new husband, Blaise is determined to protect her, and earns the queen's gratitude.

Even with this plum assignment, Blaise dreams of covering "hard news" just like a male reporter, but life among the London elite definitely has its pleasures. She befriends a rich baronet, Charles, who wants her to marry him and become a lady one day (complete with large country house). Charles tells her that Adam is a very bad sort. Who should she believe, and how can she keep either man from getting in the way of her ambitions in journalism? The solution at the end of the novel is surprising and eminently satisfying.

This book is a natural for lovers of the TV series "The Crown" and an ideal choice for book clubs. Wonderfully plotted and paced, the novel only lags in a couple of places when Blaise is between assignments and feeling indecisive; otherwise The Royal Correspondent provides nonstop enjoyment for the reader.
jillrhudy | 1 andere bespreking | May 17, 2021 |
When Grace Woods wants to escape her life in Australia in the 1950's she heads to Paris, where she's got a job working as a mannequin in the famous fashion house of Dior. She's thrilled about the chance to work with Dior but, she's got other plans as well. Grace is also searching for her biological father, who left Australia during the second world war and never returned. She feels sure he's still alive somewhere, and France is the last place she can trace him to before he disappeared. But before she can find him, her life will be changed in ways unimaginable as she experiences adventures she's never dreamed of before coming to the City of Lights.

The Paris Model started off a little slow, but it picked up its pace, and I found myself thoroughly taken in by the story of a woman looking for independence but finding love, adventure, and a new home on a continent far from the one she knew as a child. This one is peppered with well-known events and famous figures, making it a fun book to read.

Thanks to Harper Perennial for allowing me to read this book in exchange for an honest review.
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SUS456 | 6 andere besprekingen | Mar 16, 2021 |
*I received this book through a Goodreads Giveaway.*

A novel about 1940s Paris, love, spies, haute couture, and family secrets is essentially a formula for enjoyment in my book and this one does not disappointment. Certainly, at times the plot felt a little fantastical and the appearance of historical figures like Julia Child and Jackie Kennedy seemed random. Still, the tale of an Australian journeying to post-World War II Paris to work for Christian Dior and getting caught up spies makes for fun reading and this book is recommended for anyone seeking a lighter, adventurous tale.
wagner.sarah35 | 6 andere besprekingen | Oct 10, 2020 |
The book is a really slow start, but once it gets going it is really good. The story is based on a real person, which I didn’t know until I read the Author’s Note at the end.

The book is set in Australia and France in the aftermath of WWII. Two diverse lifestyles. Grace lives on a rural sheep station. But in a determined effort to make her life better, she flees to Paris where she becomes a model at the House of Dior. (I learned that models were called mannequins.) She also gets caught up in some espionage.

Grace is quick to jump to conclusions and quick to run from confrontation. This tended to frustrate me. I also did not care for all the name-dropping. Numerous cameo appearances. But Grace is an interesting character and forms some wonderful friendships.

Overall, I enjoyed the book. It was easy to read and had a bit of romance, a bit of fashion, a bit of espionage. I also enjoyed the inside look at being a high fashion model at the House of Dior and how the fashions were created. I also enjoyed the complexity of both Grace’s family and her fiancé Philippe’s family.

Thank you to Harper Perennial for the ARC. Opinions expressed are entirely my own.
BettyTaylor56 | 6 andere besprekingen | Sep 3, 2020 |
Grace Woods makes a life changing decision, and leaves Australia and an aggressive husband behind to head to post-war Paris to become a model for Christian Dior. The one that everyone is talking about. He is changing the fashion world and everyone wants in and Grace has gotten an invite to be on the inside. She can hardly believe her luck!

After having had the courage to leave her husband, and lying on her paperwork to get the passport needed to leave Australia, she now has questions about who she herself is. Her birth certificate was questioned when she applied for the passport, and now she has even more anger towards her mother. How could she have kept such a secret from Grace? What would happen if they found out the truth about her?

Grace, having really stuck to herself because of her secrets gets pushed to venture out with some of the other girls. They get her to loosen up, and to venture out amongst Paris. She soon becomes intermingled amongst the higher class; counts, princesses, authors, artist and diplomats and everyone wants a piece of her. Her beauty. Everyone comments on her luscious dark locks, and green eyes.

She continues to turn down request after request for diners and evenings out with these various men, until her friend introduces Grace to her cousin. Albeit he is not of the other class, he is intriguing and different than the others. He seems sure of himself and isn’t exaggerating his wealth or power upon her, as all of the others. For as hard as she tries not to, she starts to have feelings for him. She’s still a married women, technically. ‘

As the relationship progresses, Grace struggles with herself and her past. Who is she really, and why hasn’t her mother attempted to make contact? She has not yet received one letter from her. Grace feeling the weight on her shoulders her heavier everyday is then asked to do the unthinkable by Philippe. He knows she is sought after, and she is the only one who can obtain information he needs. Information that will protect a government official.

Can she become a spy? Meanwhile keeping the secrets she has from Philippe even though he has trusted her enough to divulge his secret to her? Grace then has a visit from someone from her past, and she has to make a decision that will potentially get rid of her biggest secret, but can she agree?

This was another very well written WWII novel! I have not yet read much about stuff happening right after the war ended, so this was very informative and interesting to read about. There were also a lot of historical people that I did not know all hung around in the same crowds. Thank you to Shelfawareness and Harper Perennial for the ARC!
Chelz286 | 6 andere besprekingen | Aug 27, 2020 |
Grace Woods was a real woman, born September 1, 1922, and died April 27, 2013. Her life, or maybe I should say, what was historically accurate, was fascinating. The author lets us know in her notes at the end of the book, how much of this story is true. However, she does leave us dangling a bit, with one section of the book. I can't discuss that section, for that would be spoiling a significant part of the action!

You do have to understand, though, that this book is still a work of fiction. As such, it is a fascinating read that, for me, has some issues. Grace was a very reckless person, and that ruined her for me a little. Though, if she were any less impetuous, there really wouldn't be much of a book.

*ARC supplied by the publisher and author.½
Cats57 | 6 andere besprekingen | Aug 26, 2020 |
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