Afbeelding auteur

Crystal C. Johnson

Auteur van Deviations

1 werk(en) 6 Leden 1 Geef een beoordeling

Werken van Crystal C. Johnson

Deviations (2014) 6 exemplaren, 1 bespreking


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Author Crystal Johnson started with a great Young Adult, Post-Apocalyptic premise, and floundered. I was only able to finish reading it as an exercise in the genre.

Crystal's book reads like a Sophomore English major who increases the indentations and line spacing to make her work feel more profound, simply from the weight of it. Wasting trees doesn't impress me. Quality writing does. If your book is 100 pages and good, then it's good! If you turn those 100 pages into 400 with filler, it offends me. It also isn't fun to be flipping pages every five seconds because there are only 150 words per page.

It has grammar errors, syntax abominations, and (to be generous) perhaps regional slang?

The romance is not believable and boring. The twist at the end is weak and left me unsatisfied. I would not buy this book or recommend anybody read it.

Edit: after posting my review, I'm blown away, shocked, that this book has an average of 4.35 rating... YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME! Absolute false advertising with a rating anywhere near 4! Who are you people rating this, and have you ever read a REAL book? Crystal Johnson must have a big family or email chain going around begging for reviews. Crystal - keep writing, I'm sure my review won't discourage you, but this is not a finished work worthy of publication. It's a college writing prompt gone bad.

I received a free copy from goodreads giveaways, and this is my honest review.
… (meer)
LongTrang117 | Oct 6, 2017 |


½ 2.5