Afbeelding van de auteur.

Jonathan Harr

Auteur van A Civil Action

6+ Werken 4,355 Leden 104 Besprekingen Favoriet van 1 leden

Over de Auteur

Author Jonathan Harr is best known for his compelling account of a tragic toxic waste case that plagued Woburn, Massachusetts during the 1980s, entitled A Civil Action. This story traces the formulation and outcome of a legal complaint filed by eight families against three local Woburn industries toon meer for improper handling and disposal of toxic chemicals. A Civil Action won Harr the 1996 National Book Critics Circle Award for nonfiction and earned him a spot on the New York Times Best Sellers List for 65 weeks. He also received the 1997 Environmental Awareness Award from the League of Conservation Voters for his ability to incorporate an environmental protection issue into his work and for his efforts to help raise awareness of environmental issues. Jonathan Harr is a former staff writer at New England Monthly and has contributed to The New Yorker. He has also taught at Smith College. (Bowker Author Biography) toon minder

Werken van Jonathan Harr

A Civil Action (1995) 2,525 exemplaren, 36 besprekingen
The Lost Painting: The Quest for a Caravaggio Masterpiece (2005) 1,824 exemplaren, 68 besprekingen
Research Decisions (2003) 2 exemplaren
Målet (1997) 1 exemplaar

Gerelateerde werken

For the Love of Books: 115 Celebrated Writers on the Books They Love Most (1999) — Medewerker — 458 exemplaren, 3 besprekingen


Algemene kennis



Versão narrativa de acontecimentos reais em torno de um Caravaggio desaparecido. Se isso não é suficiente para estimular a leitura, o autor trata do tema com uma leveza, misturando a narração dos eventos recentes com os da vida de Caravaggio com uma mestria abismal. De começar a ler e ficar agarrado até ao fim!
brucosta90 | 67 andere besprekingen | Feb 7, 2024 |
Short read on the a painting The Taking of Christ by Caravaggio. This is non fiction. It is an interesting read. Explains the process of restoration and provenance of the art in great detail.
harishwriter | 67 andere besprekingen | Oct 12, 2023 |
An incredibly compelling work about the discovery of Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio's lost painting, The Taking of Christ, which had been missing for two centuries as well as the daunting task of tracking its whereabouts throughout its history.

Being that I love art history, I may be a bit biased, but I felt as though Harr's narrative was enthralling and read just like fiction. From learning about the numerous copies of the painting to the restoration process, I was captivated. Highly recommended for those who enjoy art history or the juicy inner workings of an art restorer's life and those who help shape it.… (meer)
cbwalsh | 67 andere besprekingen | Sep 13, 2023 |
This book was so fun to read. All the sprinkling of Caravaggio, the lives of all the art historians, restorers, students, press—it was a treat for someone wanting to go into the field in some capacity. Following at times two female graduate students, Francesca Cappelletti and Laura Testa through their archival adventures in Italy, and later, Sergio Benedetti, as he restores and attempts to keep the famed found Caravaggio a secret.

While I pretty much liked the novel like writing of the book, I didn't care too much for the intimate details of some of the people's lives. Couldn't really find myself caring about Francesca's Oxford boyfriend, or something as trivial as the hours of her university's library.

Benedetti was such an interesting microcosm of male academic elitism, it was such a classic story of male ego being threatened and it was... to put it lightly... infuriating. I can only hope more women join the field and are undeterred by asses like that, but I digress. This was a fun book, and I recommend it for any art history lover or someone looking for light non-fiction (and I'm not just saying that because I'll be attending the author's college he works at this September either;).
… (meer)
Eavans | 67 andere besprekingen | Feb 17, 2023 |



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