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Becca Reynolds, 25 and divorced, lives with her grandfather and his cat, Higgins, in Richmond, Virginia. A grandfather who has a litany of lectures that Becca has heard so many times she's assigned them numbers. Becca works for 2 psychiatrists, Dr. Dick Daley, and Dr. Marcy Palmer, and is nearing the end of a 6-month probationary period. She hopes her job will become permanent, but that could be in jeopardy, as Dr. Daley enumerates reasons almost daily. Recent client appointment cancellations can hardly be attributed to Becca. Can she be effective in turning this around?

I loved this cozy! It was refreshing in every way. I often smile when reading but rarely laugh, but I couldn't help laughing out loud multiple times as I enjoyed this cozy! Humor is sprinkled throughout the storyline in descriptions, dialogue, and situations.

Becca seems immature in certain situations, but at other times, she's a force to be reckoned with, including that it only took one incident with her husband to know she deserved better. Two men are attracted to Becca's treasure chest of personality and can't help attracting Becca's attention in return. How could Becca not respond to the one gentleman in her words,
"He was liquid sex with clothes attached."
I found it a sparkling delight in this cozy that neither man is on the local police force, or perhaps the certainty is only for one. I'm as curious as Becca about the man of mystery across the hall in her office building.

I look forward to reading more of this entertaining series.
FerneMysteryReader | Jan 12, 2024 |