Afbeelding van de auteur.

Miranda Kenneally

Auteur van Catching Jordan

15+ Werken 1,875 Leden 188 Besprekingen Favoriet van 3 leden

Over de Auteur

Miranda Kenneally is an American author, who grew up in a small town in Tennessee. She enjoys writing young adult literature. She is best known for her young adult fiction series Hundred Oaks which includes, Catching Jordan, Stealing Parker, Things I Can't Forget, Racing Savannah, Breathe, Annie, toon meer Breathe, Jesse's Girl, Defending Taylor, and Coming Up for Air. She is the author of a nonfiction book for young adults entitled, Dear Teen Me: Authors Write Letters to Their Teen Selves. (Bowker Author Biography) toon minder

Bevat de naam: Miranda Kenneally



Werken van Miranda Kenneally

Catching Jordan (2011) 608 exemplaren, 78 besprekingen
Stealing Parker (2012) — Auteur — 250 exemplaren, 23 besprekingen
Things I Can't Forget (2013) 203 exemplaren, 16 besprekingen
Racing Savannah (2013) 156 exemplaren, 16 besprekingen
Breathe, Annie, Breathe (2014) 153 exemplaren, 12 besprekingen
Jesse's Girl (2015) 115 exemplaren, 3 besprekingen
Dear Teen Me: Authors Write Letters to Their Teen Selves (2012) — Redacteur; Medewerker — 114 exemplaren, 19 besprekingen
Defending Taylor (Hundred Oaks) (2016) 96 exemplaren, 8 besprekingen
Coming Up for Air (Hundred Oaks) (2017) 86 exemplaren, 8 besprekingen
Four Days of You and Me (2020) 69 exemplaren, 3 besprekingen
The Pick-Up (2021) 17 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
Four Days in May 1 exemplaar
You make my heart race (2018) 1 exemplaar

Gerelateerde werken

Out of Our League: 16 Stories of Girls in Sports (2024) — Medewerker — 17 exemplaren


Algemene kennis



Stupid, fuzzy teen love horses. Dangit, Kenneally, you've found my weakness.

Yes, there are problems with this book. Like the insta-love- holy crap, I think this may even put Twilight to shame for "I saw this guy, and now we are SOOOOOOOOULMATESS." In fact, this book's everything seems to move insanely fast. It feels like we're dropped into the story in media res, but we start at the beginning. And the love story is entirely what you expect from a teen novel. We love each other! But we can't! But we can! But we can't! And true love prevails in the end. The pacing in this book is really kind of off. Everything seems to happen so insanely fast, it feels like the entire book happens within the span of a few days, but it doesn't. Savannah becomes a jockey and enters her first race within a very short amount of time. The conflicts in this novel last for a chapter or two, and then they're resolved to move onto something else. Everything goes so fast, it's hard to keep up with this novel at times. I read it in one sitting, and I have a feeling if I read it over time, I might have gotten lost. That summary doesn't sound entirely complimentary, but I did really enjoy this book. It's blog-standard, but still enjoyable.

Now, on to the horses.

I wasn't expecting much from the horse scenes in this book. In my experience, novels that try to include horses without them being the major players, always seems like the horses are just tacked on to set it apart. Which, in all fairness, is probably the case. I read every horse series when I was kid, (and not lying, I still do read them), so it's probably only noticeable to the geeks like me. The racing scenes are actually fairly well executed, and it's clear the author either had some background knowledge of racing, or did some decent research. The horse scenes are fairly brief, but once again, this is from the girl who read the entire Thoroughbred series, where you'd have racing scenes that would last a good twenty pages.

Yeah, this book has some flaws, especially in the pacing, but all in all, I would still recommend Racing Savannah.
… (meer)
HorseNerd | 15 andere besprekingen | Jun 1, 2024 |
Library book with a cute cover (not the one in the goodreads photo) that caught my eye and I was intrigued by the idea of a female state champion QB as the heroine of a romance novel.

Plot is a love triangle/QB controversy and a tomboy trying to navigate the romantic AND non romantic relationships in her life with mixed results It had potential but left me feeling flat. I was unimpressed by the writing and also felt like the author must have had a sponsorship deal with Gatorade because I think she mentioned it every few sentences. So good ideas but I had a hard time caring about any of the characters.… (meer)
hmonkeyreads | 77 andere besprekingen | Jan 25, 2024 |
I really enjoyed this read. It was not the prefect sports read and handed more of the self discovery element. This book also look at the complicated half of senior year. I also thought he family dymanics were super fun. I also grew to like the romance. This book was not a typical happily ever after story but I still really enjoyed it. I also liked the sports element. It wa fun read an would def read more in this series in the future.
lmauro123 | 7 andere besprekingen | Dec 28, 2023 |
* I got this book for review from the publisher*

I thought this book was such a fun concept novel. I really loved how this book followed a series of characters over one "experience" every year and also you had flashbacks that focused on the key moments of this year. I also thought this book was very sex postive and found those topics to be super important. I also really liked the side characters and the LGBTQ focused. I though the traveling elements was the highlight and loved the various places they went. I also loved lu path to publishing and really found this book to great fast pace read. So cute!… (meer)
lmauro123 | 2 andere besprekingen | Dec 28, 2023 |



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