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It’s only in the last couple of years that I’ve heard the name Lynda Barry, mostly because other artists I admire have mentioned her name and her works. And sadly I’ve been missing out because I’ve really enjoyed her creativity and talent that she brings to the world. So when I had the chance to review this book I jumped at it, as I really wanted to know about her life and her style. In this book author Susan Kirtely examines Barry’s life, career, and contributions to the field of art. She in particular focuses on Barry’s use of the female form in her artwork and the impact her work has had, not only in the art world but outside of it as well. One of the things that I found most interesting was that she had an influence on Matt Groening’s career (best known for the Simpsons in most circles) and he on hers. It’s interesting where life takes people and the paths that they cross together. This is an engaging critical analysis and well worth the read for a comic studies person as well as those interested in learning more about the life and work of Barry.
zzshupinga | Aug 1, 2012 |