Afbeelding auteur

Tanja Kobasic

Auteur van Vanishing Twin: The Untapped Series

5 Werken 6 Leden 2 Besprekingen

Werken van Tanja Kobasic

Vanishing Twin: The Untapped Series 2 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
Sugar Mountain: The Golden Key (2011) — Auteur; Auteur — 1 exemplaar
Twin Flames: Untapped Series (2015) 1 exemplaar, 1 bespreking


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WOW!! Meet Jade and Scarlett, conjoined twins orphaned in Bulgaria adopted by a US family. The twins face tons of challenges while growing up, I mean they have 2 legs one waist 2 torsos and 3 arms and 2 heads, what more could you expect from all of that. Are they one person or 2? Meet Sabastian Mysteriously dark and charming all rolled into one. Scarlett seems to get the wish she never thought she ever had when her and Sabastian start Dating. WOW I mest say I never thought this book would keep me on the edge of my seat with all the plot twists. It is certainly not your everyday sappy Love story. I honestly do not know what to say without giving to much away. This author Tanja Kobasic really gets in your head with her writing, you can see everything like you are there as well. Amazing job keeping the plot twisting and pulling it off with a good wrap up Leaving great room for the next novel in the series. I for one can not wait to see what happens Next. This is one series I am sure to finish. Well worth the price. I received this free ebook in exchange for my unbiased review… (meer)
JamieM12 | Aug 23, 2020 |
This book took me 2 years to pick back up after i got about 100 pages in, the next 200 pages where useless, the last 200 pages where interesting and could have made the story go faster had the middle garbage been left out and got the book a higher star rating, also the fact that it ends in a cliffhanger and book 3 was never published is also a downer. I would not recommend this book however I was actually glad to see Jade Die FINALLY. Hopefully, Scarlett and Sabastian can move on now but who knows since the third book does not exist, YEARS LATER.… (meer)
JamieM12 | Aug 23, 2020 |

Misschien vindt je deze ook leuk

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