Afbeelding auteur

Kerri Kochanski

Auteur van 1,001 People That Suck

5 Werken 18 Leden 2 Besprekingen

Werken van Kerri Kochanski

1,001 People That Suck (2013) 8 exemplaren
The Food Monologues (2014) 4 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
Quirky And Dramatic Monologues (2017) 2 exemplaren
The Pink Plays (2014) 1 exemplaar


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This is the second time I’ve been fortunate to have won a copy of this author’s plays. The first had been a collection of two one act plays in a book entitled “Spitting Daisies & Communicating through the Sunset.” The following review is my honest opinion of the book.

It appears I’m the first one to be reviewing this book and as such it’s a somewhat intimidating experience since there is no one who has come before me to influence what I’m writing for my own review.

Just as there is a different between reading prose [regular writing] and poetry, the same difference applies to reading plays. I find reading plays really forces me to use my imagination to envision what is happening on the pages I’m reading. Needless to say the stage directions given for an actual production of Ms. Kerri Kochansk’s play does help in this endeavor.

If anyone has ever read or seen the play “The Vagina Monologues” you will have a basic simplistic idea of what “The Food Monologues” is like. Both of these plays deal with issues which women deal with almost every day of their lives; while one deals openly with a sexual organ and their feelings about all the things related to it; the other deals with their love/hate relationship to food in addition to ideas regarding their own body image.

As “The Food Monologues” progresses we are witness to a series of vignettes by various women each talking about their experiences regarding eating/dieting, weight loss/gain, eating disorders, the stigma of social perception/expectations regarding women and their shapes, and of course the implication of all this on the important factor known as beauty.

I extremely doubt any woman would not be able see themselves to some extend in at least 9 to 10 of the 37 characters in this play. For having the fortitude to tell it the way it is, I can’t deny Ms. Kochanski the 5 STARS I’m giving her book.
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MyPenNameOnly | Feb 25, 2015 |
The following is my honest review for a copy of this book that I won as a giveaway on GoodReads.

The reason I decided to enter the drawing for this book is that I’ve never read any sort of play before except for the Shakespeare ones in Junior and Senior High School. And I’ve found the experience of reading these two one-act plays by Kerri Kochanski a wonderful experience.

In Spitting Daisies, the story reminds me of the days in New York City when the IRT line trains had no air conditioning and some could actually stick at least part of their heads through an open window. The conversation between a boy [Frank] and a girl could have been an actual one between them. Two students both going to one of the colleges there, where one saw the another, while the other doesn’t imagine anyone would be noticing her with all the real beautiful women there; beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, which is a theme I saw prevalent here. This creates “conflict” between the two, while at the same time Frank believes he’s helping the girl, the girl is in fact saving Frank’s life. When they both realize the truth between them, the girl hugs Frank in an increasing embrace.

In the second one-act play Rachel has to come to the reality of what had actually happen when she had been a little girl and what she did when she became the victim of incest by a male member of her family. She also needs to create a new image in her mind of who she is in order to move on with her life and with a relationship with Frankie who wants to find the Rachel she’s been hiding because of her dark past.

As I said in the beginning of my review I found reading these two one-act plays a wonderful experience which is why I giving this endeavor by Ms. Kochanski 5 STARS.

Robin Leigh Morgan is the author of “I Kissed a Ghost,” a MG/YA Paranormal romance novel.
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MyPenNameOnly | Nov 8, 2014 |

