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Herb KossoverBesprekingen

Auteur van That Jew Died For You

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Jesus has often been wrongly associated with the perpetrators of the Holocaust. In reality, he is to be identified with those who were the victims. Among the Jews who went to the death camps of Auschwitz, we find Jesus (Yeshua) with his Jewish people suffering with them. Though the Nazi recognize Jesus they decide his fate is to die with his people and they send him to the showers. The film reveals the Jewishness of Jesus and the reality of Jesus suffering with his people.(fonte: Imdb)
MemorialeSardoShoah | Nov 21, 2021 |
Tra gli ebrei che stanno venendo selezionati all'arrivo nel campo di sterminio di Auschwitz... c'è anche Gesù di Nazareth in persona , che con la sua croce si presenta davanti ai medici addetti alla selezione del campo . Verrà risparmiato o mandato a morire ? Realizzato dalla congregazione Americana degli Ebrei Messianici .
MemorialSardoShoahDL | Apr 20, 2017 |
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