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“Angels from the Sky” is an animated documentary that tells the true and inspirational story of Edward Banyai, a young Jewish kid from New York who learns to overcome bullies at home and later abroad when he joins the U.S. 82nd Airborne as a paratrooper during WWII, culminating in the liberation of the Nazi concentration camp of Wobbelin.
I met Edward as a young teen, and my family adopted him as our "Sabba" (Hebrew for "Grandfather"). When I first heard his story, I was inspired to write a book, however before I got the chance to pursue that, I realized I needed a story for my Final Animated Project at Regent University. I chose to tell Ed's story for my Senior Animated Film at Regent University, and it premiered at both the Regent University Animation Showcase as well as Film Showcase, winning awards. Ed attended the premiere of this film at the Regent 2016 Animation Showcase, to much cheering and applause by all students and faculty in attendance. My hope in sharing this film is to tell the story of a brave and amazing Jewish man, who gave the entirety of his life to fight for what was right, that those who watch this film may be encouraged to do likewise.
MemorialeSardoShoah | Dec 17, 2021 |