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Bonnie Bartel Latino and Bob Vale have teamed up to write a first-rate novel of romance and the military entitled Your Gift to Me. It will take you away to Emily and Ted’s imaginary pagoda to revel in their budding love story.

““…we have to be careful. Once we create this house with identical images in our minds,” he stroked the center of her forehead, “our home will forever be a part of both of us. You understand?””

Both Emily and Ted have lost their respective spouses and are grieving in their own individual ways. They meet on a blind date and soon become entwined in each other’s lives, especially their pain. Ted decides to help Emily alleviate her heartache and in doing so, works a miracle on himself with her help. The approach to this dual change in their lives is something that the reader will share as they pour through the pages of this unusual romance.
This is a book you do not want to miss. It is an entrancing story, written to interest everyone.
Bonnie Bartel Latino and Bob Vale met online in a military forum. Although they have never met in person, their correspondence evolved into a professional writing team that has lasted for over a decade. Your Gift to Me is the culmination of that collaboration. Bonnie is a former freelance columnist for Stars and Stripes newspaper in Europe and was a military wife for three decades. She has won two national writing awards from the Military Writers Society of America. A correspondent for the Mobile Press-Register book page, Bonnie lives in Atmore, Alabama, with her husband, retired Air Force Colonel Tom Latino. Bob Vale is an award-winning graphic designer, writer, and photographer. He founded and is President of Graphic Word, a full service creative agency on the East Coast. Bob provides creative services to a broad range of clients in addition to his collaborative writing projects with Bonnie. He has designed and produced three published works of non-fiction. Bob is also a member of the Military Writers Society of America. He and his wife Janice live in New Jersey. They have two adult sons, Nicholas and Bryan.
Your Gift to Me has been nominated for a 2012 Book Award from the Military Writers Society of America. Based on reader reviews, the novel is Amazon's current #1 Top Rated War Fiction. It previously achieved the rank of #1 Top Rated Contemporary Romance and #1 Top Rated Romance. For several months the book has consistently remained in both genres' top three.
KatherineBoyer | Sep 22, 2012 |