Afbeelding auteur

Kathryn Ledson

Auteur van Rough Diamond

3 Werken 34 Leden 8 Besprekingen


Werken van Kathryn Ledson

Rough Diamond (2012) 17 exemplaren, 5 besprekingen
Monkey Business (2014) 9 exemplaren, 3 besprekingen


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3.5 stars from me...

I didn't have the benefit of reading Kathryn's first book 'Rough Diamond' featuring her heroine Erica Jewell, before I read this, her second one, but I think this book stands up pretty well on its own.

I really like Kathryn's writing style. Erica is a very spirited Aussie chick and she's actually quite engaging in a wacko sort of way. Erica spends a lot of time lusting over hunky Jack Jones who by all accounts is action man supreme both in bed and out of it and the scenes between them are entertaining with good banter.

I didn't think the plot was the greatest and in some parts it was a bit thin bordering on unrealistic but for all that this book is a rollicking good read and this would be a great book to spend a relaxing few hours reading while on holiday on the beach etc... Well, it is written by an Australian who'd know all about sunshine and sand.

I aim to read Rough Diamond when I have the time and will look out for more of Kathryn's books.
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CeliaConrad | 2 andere besprekingen | Mar 31, 2014 |
Romance only appears to work for me when it includes a hefty dose of comedy. Having enjoyed the first book in this series - ROUGH DIAMOND - it felt like no trial to be back in the company of Erica Jewell. Probably because she's just ever so slightly bats (in a good way), brave (in a bats way) and free spirited (in the only possible way).

For those that haven't read the first book, Jack Jones is the love / lust interest in these stories, although the relationship status is incredibly vague, to say nothing of the work status. Jewell works for the company of a man who funds the vigilante activities of Jones' crack team. Who in this case have headed off an a clandestine mission in the tropics, only to effectively disappear. Which sends Jewell off on a particularly knee jerk rescue mission, via Darwin and a trip to the hairdressers, with only the able assistance of a dodgy taxi driver.

If you're looking for sensible, well rounded believable plots then that door is off to your left somewhere. MONKEY BUSINESS is nothing if not a bit odd. Even the biggest fan of Ledson's characters would be hard pressed to suggest that Jewell has much of a plan on how she's going to execute this particular mission, and there are points where it's significantly more about good luck than even the slightest hint of management. If you don't have an allergy to anything slightly madcap than MONKEY BUSINESS definitely delivers on the fun. And a bit of steamy longing, lust, romance, jealousy and the occasional bare-chested gorgeous hero.

And besides, who knew Tupperware was a high value black market item. Even made ME regret the occasional Tupperware party back in the 70's and 80's that I missed due to that pesky bout of Ebola, or hair-washing or having my leg chopped off...

Definitely a book for those looking for a bit of escapist reading, MONKEY BUSINESS made me laugh. Sure, it might have a plot that's a bit dodgy at points, but there's nothing at all dodgy about Erica Jewell. She's an all-Australian hero, with a mad mum, a very cute cat and an inspirationally delusional denial system.


ps - Being Kathryn's website manager meant that I was lucky enough to get a no obligations / no guarantees copy of Monkey Business. The above is my own opinion, and Kathryn won't even know I've had one until she's read this (if she does :) )
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austcrimefiction | 2 andere besprekingen | Feb 7, 2014 |
A sequel to Ledson's debut novel, Rough Diamond, Monkey Business sees Jack Jones heading out on another clandestine mission while Erica agonises over the status of their relationship and grows increasingly restless when he fails to return. When Erica realises Jack, and Joe, are actually missing-in-action and no one is willing to help him, she decides to go after him, flying to the troubled island of St Sebastian, where she quickly becomes entangled in some dangerous monkey business.

While I enjoyed the improbable but vaguely plausible plot in the first book this adventure didn't quite work for me. Despite braving the trip to St Sebastian to rescue Jack, once there, Erica mainly wanders around aimlessly, asking random questions and being tortured by a cheerful taxi driver. I would have preferred Erica to be more active in her efforts to find Jack and while she eventually proves herself resourceful, in the depths of the jungle it has more to do with luck than good management.

I did giggle at the idea of black market Tupperware, the stuff is now so horrendously expensive that I am in fear of losing a piece of the 1970-80's collection I liberated from my mother (including that lettuce crisper and the beetroot container).

Though not as strong as the first book for me, Monkey Business is a fast, easy read, offering plenty of laughs and I am hoping Erica Jewell will be back.
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shelleyraec | 2 andere besprekingen | Jan 7, 2014 |
I decided to read this because of several reviews that described it as light, funny chick-lit. It is that, I suppose, but I found it just a bit too silly.
Rayaowen | 4 andere besprekingen | Mar 30, 2013 |


½ 3.5