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I find it bizarre how many REALLY GOOD REVIEWS this book has. Not many aviation books get a ton of reviews, and this isn't exactly a popular pick, so I find that suspect to begin with.

Secondly, the contents of this book might be awesome. They might not be. I couldn't get more than about 50 pages in. Why is that, you may ask? The formatting of the book. I should have been warned by the back of the book which mentioned "This is NOT a conventional book . It is a departure from the traditional (and very boring) paragraph style found in most books. This is a FRESH and FUN approach to the unbelievably complex world of aviation written in an OUTLINE style that gets to the heart to the facts without wasting time on irrelevant babble."

Now imagine reading the rest of the book to find that, yes, indeed, every fifth word is underlined, every sixth word is bold, and every now and again there are some italics and RANDOMLY ALL-CAPS words! This book literally reads like those Facebook posts that your computer-illiterate great aunt posts four times a day.

Maybe it's a great outline style without irrelevant babble, but guess what there is a lot of? Irrelevant clip art from like 1994. Which is super distracting. And the outline form? I would argue that it is just as incoherent as the formatting of this book. Which is to say, it's very difficult to find any information specifically. I'm not opposed to the outline format of this book, I am opposed to just about literally everything else about this book.

There are so many sources from which you can obtain the information from this book. Save yourself the optical migraine of reading this book and use those sources instead.
lemontwist | Apr 7, 2019 |