Afbeelding auteur

Lynn Lindquist

Auteur van Secret of the Sevens

1 werk(en) 20 Leden 4 Besprekingen

Werken van Lynn Lindquist

Secret of the Sevens (2015) 20 exemplaren, 4 besprekingen


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Eighteen-year-old Talan Michaels is about to graduate from the Singer School for poor, unwanted and troubled children. Having been there since he was 7 years old, his housemates, house parents and friends are the only family he’s ever known. Upon graduation he will face a future of homelessness and uncertainty, which fills him with fear. Thus when an invitation comes to join the Sevens, a secret society at the school, Talan is ecstatic. He is sure the Sevens’ promise of riches will be his ticket to freedom after graduating.

Read the rest of the review on my blog:
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ShouldIReadIt | 3 andere besprekingen | Jun 27, 2015 |
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales

Quick & Dirty: I found this mystery to be a clean, gripping book with a suspenseful undertone that kept me hooked.

Opening Sentence: I can be such an ass.

The Review:

The Singer boarding school is for unfortunate children — those whom are removed from families where they are beaten, foster care, drunkards. Decades ago, when the Singer school was created, the founder collected seven trusted students and made a secret society. They were entrusted with his biggest secrets and allowed a part of his riches, in return for his help keeping the school towards its original purpose of helping needy children. The rumor goes that the founder was murdered by his closest friends (in an attempt to get all of his money) in a fire they started but couldn’t escape from, killing the sevens as well.

But only five bodies were found. Two of them escaped…And still live. Years later, when they are needed, the sevens are being resurrected.

Talan Michaels has learning disorders that make it difficult for him in school, where he lives and learns due to his mother being in rehab. He has football skills and hookups galore. He is painfully aware that as soon as he graduates he’ll be homeless, and what job can he get without a college degree, because he can’t pay for college? When he gets a mysterious black envelope that claims he has been chosen to become a Seven, he thinks it’s an elaborate joke. He joins only because Laney, his house sister whom he can’t help being attracted to, is convinced it’s real and has gotten her own invitation. As things deepen and they realize the threat to the school, Talan must embrace his differences in order to pass the tests and save the beloved Singer school.

I really enjoyed how Talan’s learning disabilities were done. It was in a way that you realized his differences and could empathize, but didn’t feel too much pity. You could also see how his brain was wired in a certain way that made it easy for him to solve the clues and riddles. He had strengths and weaknesses, both explored in the book. I must admit that the first few chapters, I didn’t like Talan very much. He had disgusting thoughts about women and would do things I didn’t agree with for his next hookup. As the story deepened he slowly developed, though still retained his sense of humor and the best parts of his personality. By the end, he had been changed by the experience and Laney.

I really enjoyed the clues in this novel. As far as mysteries go, they usually aren’t my genre of choice. They get so complex and the plots become tangled until it’s difficult for me to distinguish what’s going on. This wasn’t the case for this book. The mystery was clean and engaging with enough suspense to keep me gripped. The clues weren’t too obvious, but some of them I solved alongside Talon, which made me proud of myself when I did. It was a lot of fun and I enjoyed how they formatted the novel so that the reading audience could play detective as well.

Altogether, I found this novel to be super good. I loved it a lot, especially the suspense and dark undertones that were subtly creepy. The story unwound at a perfect pace, not too fast and not too slow. I also adored the romance in the book. Laney was able to be a shoulder to cry on as well as her own capable force. He needed her more than he cared to admit and I liked how he could let down his walls with her. She changed him for the better, helping him keep grounded and recognize his own strengths and embrace them. Their romance was paced well too. Lynn did their relationship in a cute, relatable way that mirrored a high schooler’s crush. Also, fun was the male point of view, which was executed nicely. Prior to receiving the story, I hadn’t heard anything, and was super pleased when I enjoyed it so much! All in all I really enjoyed this book and I think mystery and suspense lovers will enjoy it!!

Notable Scene:

The room is empty, except for a chalkboard on one wall with a message:

Yes, Talan. The letter is for you. And it’s real.

My breath catches in my throat. What letter? What’s going on? I look around the room and then peer out into the hallway, but there’s still no one around.

Scanning the room again, I spot a black velvet envelope with a red wax seal sitting on the ledge of the chalkboard. I go over and grab it, just as a cold sweat begins to collect under my shirt.

FTC Advisory: Flux provided me with a copy of The Secret of the Sevens. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.
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DarkFaerieTales | 3 andere besprekingen | Jun 6, 2015 |
Fantastic blend of mystery, humour, social justice and quest novel that will appeal to a wide audience. Talan Michaels has been lucky enough to have been rescued from an horrific childhood with his drug addicted mother, to be fostered by a very special boarding school set up by philanthropist William singer and his wife. Unfortunately Singer and his wife died in terrible circumstances supposedly at the hands of a secret society called the Seven. So it is with great shock that Talan receives a cryptic invite to join the Seven to save the school from being destroyed by an evil businessman who is also school board president. Helped by his house "sister" Laney, Talan, the quintessential bad boy of the classroom, must solve a complexing set of challenges, uncover secret passages and identities and face some home truths about himself in his last few months of high school. A gripping read from start to finish , with strong, likeable characters, great unusual setting and 90% plausible plot! Recommended for 12 upwards as some minor swearing, sexual references and violence. A great read! NetGalley… (meer)
nicsreads | 3 andere besprekingen | Mar 18, 2015 |
A fast-paced YA mystery that keeps you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end. The setting is a boarding school for underprivileged kids. The characters are developed well and the plot is intriguing. Think Skulls meet Dan Brown for teens. It's smart, suspenseful, and the young adult dialogue and behavior is realistic. For readers of YA, especially fans of secret societies and teen mysteries.

Net Galley Feedback
LibStaff2 | 3 andere besprekingen | Feb 23, 2015 |

