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College-level textbook, although suitable for your precocious 12-year old who has memorized hundreds of dinosaur species names. And, of course, everybody likes dinosaurs. Instructive even for those who already have some paleontology background. Lots of excellent illustrations, cladograms, anatomical drawings, etc. Glossary and a dictionary of species; no overall bibliography but references appear at the end of each chapter. Recommended for anybody who has an interest in big extinct things. For my other dinosaur book reviews, see The Complete T. Rex, Tyrannosaurus rex, The Tyrant King, The Tyrannosaur Chronicles,Jurassic West, Dinosaurs of the East Coast, Dawn of the Dinosaurs, Predatory Dinosaurs of the World, Mesozoic Vertebrate Life, Dinosaurs Without Bones, and Transylvanian Dinosaurs.
setnahkt | Sep 21, 2023 |