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Werken van Dustin Maher


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Dustin Maher has created a dynamic fitness program catered to busy moms that don't have time to do something for themselves! Fit Moms for Life- How to Have Endless Energy to Outplay Your Kids is a training manual full of easy exercise plans, balanced meals, waist-line shrinking tips, and transformation stories that will leave any woman - mom or not - motivated, accountable, challenged, and feeling healthier and happier than they have in years! Heres what others have had to say about it:
"I wish I looked and felt this good when I was 20!" - Julia, 35, mother of three kids under the age of 5.
"Dustin's program is the best investment you will ever make in yourself and your life. It is a real program based on science and based on the information that he knows that will help you to get the best body for you." - Crystal
"You'll be a better mom and a happier person if you just take a little bit of time for yourself." - Liz


I am not a mother, but I know plenty of woman who are, and who don't take enough time for themselves between diaper changes, soccer games, packing lunches and doing the laundry - as well as every other job under the sun. I hear that motherhood is amazing, but you shouldn't have to lose a piece of yourself just because you have a new job description. So many women get stuck in a rut after they have kids that they don't know where- or how- to begin again, but Dustin Maher's Fit Moms for Life sets up a starting line. His program, (books, workout DVDs, websites, and in-person training), have helped transform 5,000+ moms thus far, and he plans to build a community of one million+ moms by the end of 2015. The premise is simple: "Putting yourself first is the least selfish thing you can do", so why not live and feel the best that you can?! I was quite surprised by what this ~200 page guide had to say; this program may be catered to moms, but it also works for those of us who have busy lives and schedules to uphold. The workout plans are simple, straight-forward, and fun to do - as is the menu planning and recipes. The side planks and burst-cardio were a couple of my favorites, as well as the easy-to-do crock-pot chicken with herb rub and the gluten-free coconut macaroon recipes. I also found the success stories very uplifting and motivational, the overall format of the book aided in keeping the reader focused and excited about the program. I will definitely be using this program in my daily routines, and highly recommend it to moms and busy women everywhere. The websites and online communities are some of the best resources I have see for motivating and encouraging women to live and feel the way they should - happy, healthy and balanced.

Rating: On the Run (4.5/5)

*** I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.
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Allizabeth | 1 andere bespreking | Apr 22, 2012 |
I was recently sent a copy of the Fit Moms for Life book by Dustin Maher and I'm so glad. As my Fibromyalgia has progressed I find myself more and more sedentary and sleeping more and more. For me it's more a matter of choosing one or two things I can do well such as walking on the treadmill and using a stationary/recumbant bike for short periods of time. Fit Moms for Life is a great book for those who want to make small changes and for those that like to "Bite the Bullet" and jump in head first.

Dustin has spent his career helping women who want to get their figures back after having their baby - and he has also helped us women who want to have a figure period. LOL. Fit Moms for Life is easy to read, filled with testimonials from women of all ages and all walks of life. Part of what I liked about the beginning of the book is that Dustin doesn't spend half of the book explaining how our body works (thanks Dustin) - he uses that time to encourage us, to show women how using your mind, your thoughts and your energy to make changes works (Change Your Mind, Change Your Body, chap 3).

Dustin provides suggestions on small steps you can take to get started - take measurements, how to take a Fitness Reality Check, set goals, his Meal Options include suggestions for those who are Gluten Free and Dairy Free (thanks Dustin) and the recipes he gives are NORMAL - Egg Salad, Veggie Quiche, Crock Pot Chicken with Herb Rub. He gives you healthy snack ideas & suggests that you DON'T clean your kids' plates.

I highly recommend this book if you want to lose weight, make changes in nutrition, exercise or just make some changes in your life. It will encourage you, support you and help you make better choices.
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tiinaj1 | 1 andere bespreking | Feb 3, 2012 |

