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Connor isn't happy. While he's done pretty well with his Taekwondo classes, everything gets messed up when his nemesis joins the same dojang. Not to mention that Connor loses when he faces him the first time at training. Connor also knows why he lost and what he needs to work on. He has to focus...not easy considering he has ADHD. While he usually can keep that in pretty good control, the mere presence of his nemesis has his brain shifted into high-gear. He has help and support, but whether or not it will be enough to help him remains to be seen.

Parents should be warned: more than a few readers will, most likely, want to take Taekwondo classes after reading this. The author doesn't shy away from details surrounding Taekwondo and makes this marital arts direction feel familiar and exciting by the time the book is done. The first pages already have Connor facing his nemesis in training, which draws in and sets the pace for the rest of the read. While Connor does have to face his relationship to this person, since they attend the same dojang, this read is more about Connor's struggles to get to where he wants to be. So, there's quite a bit of character growth.

The ADHD comes across very naturally and never takes on a forced atmosphere. Connor is very easy to root for, and his thoughts and concerns aren't only very self-aware but are completely understandable. He's determined and ready to put in the effort and work to meet his goals. He has a great support team with family and friends, which adds a wholesome touch. This stays very appropriate for the age group, while still diving into deeper themes. And it's pulled off well. It inspires those who can relate with Connor and helps strengthen awareness for those, who don't face the world in quite the same way.

Even reluctant readers will find this enjoyable, and not only because of the Taekwondo. The chapters are kept short, and while the vocabulary fits to the reading level, it also furthers and pushes reading skills without frustrating. The added illustrations give humor and familiarity at the right times, and offer a bit of fun throughout the read. It's an enjoyable read, carries quite a bit of depth, and inspires, too. I received an ARC and enjoyed Connor's adventure quite a bit.
tdrecker | Mar 28, 2024 |