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Werken van Vivienne Malynn


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When I first started reading Dawn of Angels I did think Kyra was just a bad kid who was rebelling because of the way life had panned out for her.
Which I think she was, She thought her own mother didn’t love her as she was put into foster care. Her foster brother got a little fresh with her and it ended with her hitting him with a baseball bat. Who wouldn’t rebel and hate the world if you had an upbringing like Kyra?

Being told she would be found one last foster home and to make a go of it unless she wants to go to Juvenile Detention she was taken to a small town where her new foster parents awaited her.
Jeff and Justine, They were a little weird to be honest, church goers and proper, not like Kyra at all, But she tried her very best to make it work with them.

I did grow to love Kyra’s character she was hard on the outside but she did care really she had just built walls up to stop herself getting hurt.

The book was crammed with danger, betrayal, secrets ,love and friendship which all unfolds really well as the story goes on.
I must admit the first few pages of reading the book was a bit slow and I was dubious that it would be slow book however I am happy to say that carrying on after those few pages and I was drawn into it.

The details in the book were well described which made me imagining this small town, the houses, Kyra and the other characters in the book, very easy.
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StressedRach | 3 andere besprekingen | Jun 14, 2023 |
When I first started reading Dawn of Angels I did think Kyra was just a bad kid who was rebelling because of the way life had panned out for her.
Which I think she was, She thought her own mother didn’t love her as she was put into foster care. Her foster brother got a little fresh with her and it ended with her hitting him with a baseball bat. Who wouldn’t rebel and hate the world if you had an upbringing like Kyra?

Being told she would be found one last foster home and to make a go of it unless she wants to go to Juvenile Detention she was taken to a small town where her new foster parents awaited her.
Jeff and Justine, They were a little weird to be honest, church goers and proper, not like Kyra at all, But she tried her very best to make it work with them.

I did grow to love Kyra’s character she was hard on the outside but she did care really she had just built walls up to stop herself getting hurt.

The book was crammed with danger, betrayal, secrets ,love and friendship which all unfolds really well as the story goes on.
I must admit the first few pages of reading the book was a bit slow and I was dubious that it would be slow book however I am happy to say that carrying on after those few pages and I was drawn into it.

The details in the book were well described which made me imagining this small town, the houses, Kyra and the other characters in the book, very easy.
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StressedRach | 3 andere besprekingen | Mar 20, 2012 |
My Review (no spoilers, pretty much):

The Dawn of Angels was a big surprise for me. I'm not sure what I expected, but I was unprepared for this ride!

The story is fast-paced. The main character, Kyra, is an angry girl and the story opens on her seventeenth birthday. Her issues are valid. She’s been stuffed through the foster care system having been abandoned by her mom. So, this book just dives into the story, no hesitations.

Which brings me to how this book felt for me: Rollercoaster. Pure Emotion. I rode up and down on Anger, Good-will, Suspicion, Fear and that’s not counting the dream-like quality of many scenes, including actual dreams. The dreams and reality mix and blend freakily together.

You’ve seen the cartoon movie Dumbo, right? You know that scene when shapes are blowing up and shrinking and odd animals are growing protrusions? It feels like that. (I just sold this book for someone!! Hahahaha)

There’s just enough hint at real horror: moving shadows that can grasp and pull someone under to cut off their breath; red-eyed wild dogs. And then there's these angels. OMG! If I had been someone in the Bible, this is the sort of angel I would imagine, with white-hot eyes, using the power of light to push back the darkness.

And then the story takes over again, which is almost trite by comparison.

There are no wasted characters watching from the sidelines, every one of them holds a secret(s) and they all focus on Kyra (with hints or friendliness or wariness or hatred). The town being “small” does not account for every single person being a critical player.

Kyra’s was bright spot in this story for me. She is the anchor on this wild ride, the one person who always makes real sense. Usually. Asher's cute and potentially more than cute - potentially amazing - but not revealed completely in this book. Ethan is also mostly mystery and I wouldn't go so far to call this threesome a "love triangle". Yea.. not yet. Each relationship Kyra has is deep and makes sense - like Liv, for example, is so sweet! She's very much a side character, but she has her own struggles and triumphs and a deep, special meaning for Kyra. Gotta love that.

As for the historical background, the angels know who God is, which was comforting momentarily, and then the story gets wild. All written books about God and angels, including but not limited to The Bible, only tell parts of this historical backdrop. The information comes in thick heavy mini-doses that don’t make much sense on their own, but as the perspectives join together, the big picture does, uh, clarify itself in that dream-freaky way.

In this world... there are shadow men, there are warring angels, various levels of angels, levels of heavens, odd cults that are different and yet all point to something in this history. (This is a tad spoilerish to give you heads' up, but I would have appreciated knowing this stuff was actually intentional and not a side-dream moment. So, I share.)

Cover Commentary: It’s a bit of a surprise. Maybe the layered angel wing is supposed to tip off the layers of history or craziness? I’m not sure. It’s a deceptively innocent-lookin’ cover and did not give me head's up about what's inside this book. The title, however, is clear by the end. This book is very much about the beginning of angels and how that relates to present day.

My Rating: 3 - For writing, for content, for characters - "cute" doesn't fit with this book, though, more like "downright eerie". I'd give this book a higher rating for that complicated historical backdrop, but a lower rating for how it was delivered to the reader, so it evens out to a square 3 for me.
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BurgandyIce | 3 andere besprekingen | Mar 8, 2012 |
The Dawn of Angels
By Vivienne Malynn and Sean Kade

Summary: Left by her mother at a young age, Kyra has grown-up in the foster system, leaving her angry and hateful towards the world. The only person she can trust is Hammond, her case worker who has watched over her since the time her mother left. When Hammond places Kyra in a foster home located in a small town, strange things begin happening and Kyra starts unraveling the mystery of her past. When Kyra’s life is threatened, she is saved by an angel, her guardian angel, Ashur, who falls from heaven to save her. Together, Ashur and Kyra must figure out why her life is in danger and stop a strange cult from bringing about the end of days.

My Review: I was weary of this book at first cause the cover didn't grab my attention but after reading a few pages I was hooked. It speeds up real fast with action. Kyra, who is a guarded teenage, due to being abononed by her mother at a young age, has been through lots of hardships bouncing from foster homes. Its very interesting seeing the book narrated from Kyra's perspective cause she is such a strong character.

The action in this book was great! The entire book is about angels and the different rankings of the angels. You could also tell that the authors put a ton of effort and research into this book. It was awesome reading this and also gaining some knowledge. Nicely done perspective on angels.

This book is also full of mystery. Mystery surrounds the towns people and the town which makes this book full of suspense to where you dont want to put it down and you just have to keep reading to find what happens next.

Kyra and Asher(Kyra's guardian angel) have a rocky start to their relationship but she eventually warms up to him and starts having serious feelings for him and falls for him, as he does for her. Ethan, Kyra's other guardian angel has feeling for her also but Kyra doesn't know it yet. So this makes for a love triangle between them all.

The only thing about this book is that when Kyra goes into her dreams it hard. You cant tell if she is dreaming or actually awake and its hard to follow between dream and reality. Other then that this book was fantastic and a great read! Great story and ending and I cant wait to see/read the next book!
Check it out on my blog: Intriguing Reads
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ValerieNegron | 3 andere besprekingen | Mar 8, 2012 |


½ 3.5