Afbeelding auteur

Zach ManbeckBesprekingen

Auteur van You Are Here

1 werk(en) 14 Leden 1 Geef een beoordeling


Right now, you are here, and it's up to you to figure out where to go next, and how to get there.

"Take your time.
Some will be far ahead of you.
Others will be miles behind you.
Be thankful for who's right beside you."

Warm-toned yellow, orange, and green illustrations show children and other creatures (animals in human clothing, a fairy with wings and antennae) beginning on their journeys: some walking or skipping, others scooting or using a wheelchair. Readers are encouraged to fall down, keep going, look around, be patient.

"Remember, you're on your way...
in your own way!
And today you are here."

See also: Be You! by Peter H. Reynolds
JennyArch | Jun 15, 2022 |