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Marian MarzynskiBesprekingen

Auteur van Shtetl

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When the German government announced that it was planning to build a "Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe" to mark the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II in May 2005, Marzynski decided it was finally time to go to Berlin himself. "I wanted to achieve what my perished relatives could not," Marzynski says. "To feel safe among the Germans."

In "A Jew Among the Germans," FRONTLINE presents Marzynski's moving and provocative search for a Germany that he -- and his children -- can live with. Over several years of filming, Marzynski encounters artists, architects, and everyday Germans, who wrestle with the big questions of guilt, responsibility, and memory. He also meets a young, "third generation" of Germans who have broken with their parents and grandparents over the war. Rejecting collective guilt, these young Germans are looking for a way to keep the Holocaust in living memory. "The offspring of the perpetrators complain that they grew up without any of the victims in their sight," Marzynski says. "Now I am here and am ready to extend my hand."

In Berlin, Marzynski meets Dani Karavan, an Israeli sculptor whose plan for the German memorial is a giant Star of David with flowers. When Karavan begins to draw it in the dirt on the site, a security guard stops him and demands Marzynski's filming be stopped, saying the site is off-limits without special permission. "This is why the memorial will never be built," Karavan tells Marzynski. "[The Germans] don't want this."

One of the jurors of the memorial competition, an art museum director from Hannover, tells Marzynski that his father was a Nazi. "Could you talk with him about the war?" Marzynski asks. "No," the man responds." Some questions still cannot be asked in Germany."

At Berlin's new Jewish Museum, Marzynski finds Johannes Schwartz, a young Gentile who teaches Germans about Jewish religion and customs. Marzynski thinks the museum's program is well intentioned, but even Schwartz concedes that it's hard to change minds. "An anti-Semite coming here won't be changed in a museum like this," Schwartz says. "That's what we are told in our training, that you won't change anybody in here. I can just offer some knowledge and let people ask questions."

Peter Eisenman, the American architect who ultimately wins the competition to design Germany's Holocaust memorial, tells Marzynski of his plan to erect several thousand concrete slabs in towering, tilting lines on the memorial site. "We wanted to get over the idea of the Jew as 'other.' We wanted to bring the Jewish cemetery to Berlin." But Marzynski fears that Eisenman's design reinforces a bad message: that the only Jews who can safely dwell among the Germans are dead ones. He favors a German artist's plan to ask the question "Why?" in the 31 languages spoken by the victims, and then to record the public's answers in a process of reflection that would never end.

On May 10, the German Holocaust memorial was unveiled in Berlin, (see photos) and Marzynski feels ambivalent about it. "I wish there would be no celebration of the end of World War II, no finishing touches," he says. "I don't want a memorial that forces young Germans to live with their grandparents' guilt forever, but without it, I'm afraid that the tragic past will be forgotten altogether. My unreasonable request to the German people would be to live in the permanent state of guilt. A good guilt, if such a thing exists." (fonte: Pbs)
MemorialeSardoShoah | 1 andere bespreking | Dec 1, 2022 |
Shtetl is a 1996 American documentary film that was produced and directed by Marian Marzynski. The film aired April 17, 1996 on the Frontline series on PBS. The film recounts the history of the Polish village of Brańsk that had a substantial population of Jewish residents. During World War II the Germans occupied the village of Brańsk and sent 2,000 Jews to the Treblinka extermination camp. The film also examines the role of Polish anti-Semitism during the German occupation of Poland and lingering anti-Semitism during documentaries filming (fonte: Pbs)
MemorialeSardoShoah | 1 andere bespreking | Feb 1, 2022 |
W języku duńskim skibet oznacza statek.
To pierwsze słowo, którego nauczył się reżyser Marian Marzyński, gdy na fali marcowej emigracji 1968 roku los zaniósł go do Kopenhagi.
"Skibet" to także tytuł tego filmu, który na premierę czekał aż 40 lat
MemorialeSardoShoah | Dec 27, 2021 |
Da giovane ebreo che cercava di sopravvivere all'Olocausto in Polonia, Marian Marzynski non provava altro che terrore al suono della lingua tedesca. Una volta, cavalcando su un carrello fuori dal Ghetto di Varsavia, un ufficiale nazista sedeva sulla sua ginocchiata Marian di cinque anni e lo chiamava un "bravo ragazzo". "Ero soffocato dalla paura", ha poi ricordato Marzynski. Per anni ha vissuto con questa paura della gente che aveva invaso il suo paese e ucciso gran parte della sua famiglia.
MemorialSardoShoahDL | 1 andere bespreking | Apr 5, 2019 |
Film documentario che segue una visita che un superstite della Shoah e un ricercatore polacco hanno fatto nella città della sua infanzia in cui 2, 500 ebrei sono stati uccisi dai soldati dell'esercito delle Gemelle.
MemorialSardoShoahDL | 1 andere bespreking | May 12, 2018 |
il ritorno di Marian Marzynski in Polonia nel 1981. Egli nacque in Polonia negli anni '20 e fu testimone dei tragici avvenimenti della shoah.
MemorialSardoShoahDL | Aug 26, 2017 |
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