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Japan Lights and Shadows
by Gino C. Matibag, MD, PhD

This 169 page trip through Japan was fun and eye-opening to say the least. The author does an phenomenal job of taking us through each step of that journey in such a descriptive and thoughtful way I truly felt like I was right there, seeing the majestic sights, learning the intricate culture and smelling the most exotic of smells. It is one thing to live in a culture different from your own, but it is a real gift to be able to bring others fully into the experience with you. I thoroughly enjoyed this travel guide through Japan and I would recommend it to anyone wanting to broaden their horizons in the most delightful of ways. Gino, what a remarkable time you had, thanks for sharing it with the rest of us.

Love & Light,

Riki Frahmann
biunicorn | Mar 15, 2012 |