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This isn't what I expected. It was an impulse buy when my son was interested in the stars. I thought it would be stories and myths concerning the constellations, which in a way it is. Where I was expecting just a story concerning that constellation in myth (such as how Andromeda came to be chained to a rock as a sacrifice). However, what I did get was ever so much more. Where there are no specific stories per se there's just a ton of info and beautiful artwork. I was just looking for myths to read to the kids. Instead, I found information explaining the constellation as seen through the eyes of different peoples in different times of civilizations, the roots of the myth (such as what the different aspects of the myth stand for, sort of a moral type thing) etc. I love looking at it just for the art work. But I understand a lot more about the myths now and have a renewed interest in such.
briarwren | Jun 27, 2008 |