Afbeelding auteur

Ailsa McFarlane

Auteur van Highway Blue

1 werk(en) 28 Leden 4 Besprekingen

Werken van Ailsa McFarlane

Highway Blue (2021) 28 exemplaren, 4 besprekingen


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A narrative of self discovery that occurs through a heartbreak, a crime and life on the run. The plot flows even though the writing was awkward at times. Not a favorite unfortunately.
*I received an arc from the publisher through NetGalley for an honest review
KimMcReads | 3 andere besprekingen | May 31, 2021 |
Highway Blue by Ailsa McFarlane is a very highly recommended atmospheric but brief debut novel.

Anne Marie, 21, has been living in the town of San Padua since her husband, Cal left her two years ago after exactly one year of marriage. Since he left she has been struggling to get by, just surviving and trying to forget. When Cal suddenly shows up and asks her out for a drink, she agrees, but soon it becomes clear that he is in trouble and wants help from her. A violent encounter after this sends the two on the run together, escaping San Padua, but with no clear idea of their destination or what awaits them.

This is written as a classic road trip novel and almost feels like it is set years ago as the two flee by hitchhiking down the coast. Described as a story of love and of being lost and found, the novel has more of a dreamlike quality to it. It doesn't feel like it is occurring in the present day world. It feels like it is set much earlier, maybe in the sixties or seventies, with the exception of a few current technological advancements mentioned. The novel is, however, carefully crafted and the quality of the writing shows promise for future works. As Anne Marie recalls and explores her memories of her relationship with her mother, we can see a glimmer of where her problems may have began, but it feels like McFarlane holds back information, leaving the reader wanting more.

The writing itself is descriptive and sets the whole tone of Highway Blue. The characters are both well written and will produce sympathy in readers. They also both seem to be powerless in the face of their situation, as if the only way to take control is to run away. Anne Marie and Cal seem like lost souls who need to find their footing. The narrative is told through Anne Marie's voice and impressions. We know that she has changed since Cal left as he often mentions it and she knows it, she also, to some extent, tries to be the young woman he married. McFarlane is a new writer to watch.
Disclosure: My review copy was courtesy of Penguin Random House in exchange for my honest opinion.
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SheTreadsSoftly | 3 andere besprekingen | May 5, 2021 |
Highway Blue is a short novel of under 200 pages. Alisa McFarlane offers readers a moment in time in the life of her characters, two lost and lonely young adults whose lives intersect in a moment in time.

Twenty-year-old Anne Marie is going through the motions of life, living with strangers, work at a bar and dog walking giving her just enough money to survive, still hurt by the disappearance of her husband after a year of marriage. Now he suddenly has returned, hoping Anne Marie can save him, but she has nothing to give him.

But when a man attacks them and ends up dead, Cal convinces Anne Marie to run and over the next days she remembers her past and contemplates Cal's place in her future.

They are helped by strangers along the way, a happy couple and a lonely trucker. Cal tells Anne Marie that he had hoped their marriage would give him a place to belong in this world. She had loved him. He loved the idea of them.

Heavy on dialogue and Anne Marie's inner thoughts, the story is about romantic ideals and disillusion, the limits of love, and the strength to recreate oneself.

I received a free galley from the publisher through NetGalley. My review is fair and unbiased.
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nancyadair | 3 andere besprekingen | Mar 29, 2021 |
i wondered what the point was, how obviousness and flagrant use of paragraphing conveys depth- there is certainly literary merit to the dazed affectless sum of its flat descriptions but i didn't care about wharts her name the main character and her no good absentee husband Cal, they are like twenty, with no depth, at the end she leaves him and it's meant to be some empowering character arc but i really did not care. still this writer is only 23 which plays a massive part in the marketing of the novel though does hinder the reading experience- because McCullers she is not- there's no empathy or depth or flair to this wispy narrative voice. still there's some things to admire, and i envy her talent!… (meer)
boredgames | 3 andere besprekingen | Feb 23, 2021 |


½ 2.7