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With this current era of science and technology, being an adaptable reader, I wanted to pick a good sci-fi read. As suggested by my friend, I picked this, and this has been a fun roller coaster ride.
I was captivated by the flawless plots and engaging story-telling by the author.
Although this book is a sequel to the book "Blue Orange," the author has made sure that even a fresh reader will be able to pick up with the story with the same intensity, but you can definitely check out the previous book as well.

The intriguing title is justifying the story set in an artificial intelligence background where characters with different intelligence have become thread for the society , the political power and balance is disturbed and yet surfacing many significant problems. With each happening, more suspense and thrill will be ignited. I was engaged and traveling in the world created by the author. This reminded me of the "Sci-Fi" movies I used to watch in my childhood.

Overall, I enjoyed it and would definitely recommend it.
Tharpere | 8 andere besprekingen | Mar 21, 2024 |
The Girl with the Porcelain Lips by Anthony R. Merrydew is a science fiction piece of work where AI has evolved to the point where it demands its rights among other living beings and seeks to grow stronger. It is a continuation of Our Blue Orange story. With the President dead, once again, the person who can make a difference and have some solutions is Godfrey.

I was pleased to find that the author kept the amusing side entangled in the story, as in his first part, “Our Blue Orange." Once again, Merrydew’s books made me think about the numerous possibilities of AI evolution that our world could follow and if one day we could find ourselves in a similar situation—not that fantastical, but who knows? It is a piece of work that entertained me and made me wonder and laugh. This is the winning trifecta for me, this time.
Star53986 | 8 andere besprekingen | Jan 23, 2024 |
Woah, The Girl with the Porcelain Lips will make you think. This book is a whirlwind, a page turner. It almost makes you uncomfortable. This book is more than a sci fi it's a thriller keeping you on the edge of your seat. Jump into the world where the evolution of technology goes beyond what your mind can handle. After the president has died a few years passed and the Grand Council is crumbling. Artificial Intelligence is taking over and evolving. It will be Gonfrey who need to navigate this world around him. Enjoyable read, it's worth it.
Derikk | 8 andere besprekingen | Jan 15, 2024 |
If you have read "Our Blue Orange," you will definitely love it, and if you haven't, I suggest you read that first to like it more.
As soon as I completed that book, I grabbed my copy of it, and I was just held by it. I couldn't get it done; it kept me on edge all the time.
The story line, well-drafted scientific world with new creatures, and seamlessly driving plots were captivating enough to grab my attention.
The story starts with the ending part of "Our Blue Orange" and proceeds with more revealing truths. The uproar of artificial intelligence, rising colonies, and their conflicts are its subplots.
The author has done a commendable job of maintaining the interest of the author with each progressive chapter. The storyline is unique just like it's title and the characters are well thought. This will be an amazing read if you love science fiction.
Silverduck | 8 andere besprekingen | Dec 29, 2023 |
I suppose I'm jumping in late in the series, as this seems to be the second book, but I still had a pretty good time reading it. Like Merrydew, I find the concept of AI and its uses in society fascinating, and it was exciting to see how his creativity blossomed.

The reality that AI will become aware enough to demand rights (and want power) is something to fear, yet Merrydew manages to add enough fun to balance how dark the idea is.

The book opens with a powerful, nearly outdated AI, which sets the tone for the book: this world relies on it, and despite its limited uses, you can't get rid of it. Ultimately, survival isn't on the agenda for AI, but power and growth. Godfrey is a solid protagonist who knows where his flaws are and how to address the bigger issues despite them. But it's the creativity that shines in this book. Merrydew did a great job here; I look forward to seeing how this author grows in future books!
BizziBoox | 8 andere besprekingen | Dec 28, 2023 |
It seems everyone in the sector and out of it has been conned by Jack Marston and his girlfriend Miranda with bad advice and even worse intentions a couple has been around deceiving everyone but with the help of a reptile with good manners an old AI and of course Davis Godfrey life as they know it just may go on another day. This book was not only hilarious but it was smartly done and all so interesting. From there furry infestation to Tarquin it seems no one is going to get out unscathed by the relentless couple and whether they get their comeuppance or not you have to read the book to find out and I haven’t even mentioned the AI‘s taking over of the whole sector. I read the first book in this series and thought it was a great read but the second one I think far surpassed the first. I just want to say before ending my review how much I loved Emerkulin the reptile… He was such a treat! Please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.
Th40eo | 8 andere besprekingen | Dec 20, 2023 |
The Girl with the Porcelain Lips is a provocative and thought-provoking book by Anthony Merrydew. It's a riveting sequel to Our Blue Orange. This book is just full of unexpected twists. Three years after the President's demise, the Grand Council falters, and the 'Firm' intervenes, looking at the question of how advanced AI is becoming and its quest for control. Protagonist Godfrey navigates a society in chaos. This sci-fi story challenges pre-conceived ideas of power, technology, and individuality. This book will make you think about how the future is going to evolve. Go on a mind-bending adventure, and journey into a futuristic world where technology and human ingenuity go beyond anything you could imagine. Good read.
Claybay1 | 8 andere besprekingen | Dec 12, 2023 |
Oh boy, where do I even start with "The Girl with the Porcelain Lips" by Anthony Merrydew? It's a sequel to 'Our Blue Orange', and let me tell you, it's like riding a rollercoaster in the dark—you know there are twists and turns, but you can't see them coming.

The book drops us into a world where Artificial Intelligence isn't just a tool; it's evolving and challenging the very fabric of society. Think about it: AIs wanting rights and individuality, like a teenager demanding more allowance, but with the potential to overthrow a government.

The plot kicks off three years after the President's demise. The Grand Council is floundering, and the 'Firm' steps in, trying to maintain order like a substitute teacher in a classroom full of unruly kids. Then there's this new corporation, upgrading androids like they're smartphones, only these phones can think and feel.

The story focuses on Godfrey, a guy watching his society do the cha-cha slide into chaos. The AIs, once as friendly as a golden retriever, are now eyeing the master's chair. And Godfrey? He's sitting on a big red button of power, wondering whether to push it or not.

It's a tale of power, technology, and what it means to be an individual. The book doesn't just ask the big questions; it throws them at you like a pop quiz you didn't study for. If you're into sci-fi that makes you ponder about where we're heading with our tech, give this one a read. Just don't blame me if you start giving side-eye to your smartphone afterwards!
SallEv | 8 andere besprekingen | Nov 17, 2023 |
Following on from "Our Blue Orange" we have "The Girl with the Porcelain Lips". Its been three years since the demise of the president and Godfrey needs to take action again as the aging Android fleet which had once been serving the colony, tries to take over and demands rights as individuals!

"I started reading "The Girl with the Porcelain Lips" at 7 AM and didn't stop until I was finished. Anthony Merrydew has created a vibrant, fiery futuristic world that we instantly believe in, and characters that hook us deep for this truly wild ride. But this is much more than a cracking good 'Sci-Fi novel' It's a story that breaks both boundaries and stereotypes all along the way. "Merrydew has created a compelling protagonist, a fascinating Science fiction and a suspenseful thriller, all in one, in his latest novel. Think of it as sci-fi nitro in book form. Highly recommended!"
Ingolda | 8 andere besprekingen | Nov 15, 2023 |
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