Afbeelding auteur

Holly J. Michael

Auteur van Crooked Lines

2 Werken 19 Leden 6 Besprekingen

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Werken van Holly J. Michael

Crooked Lines (2014) 18 exemplaren, 6 besprekingen


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Crooked Lines, a debut novel by Holly Michael is a fascinating story of two parallel souls who are cultures and countries apart, yet each seeking for a peace that comes only through living the life God intends one to live. Rebecca, a young American teen, disillusioned and downtrodden, longs to go to India where she might find her peace. Sagai, a young South Indian teen, seeks for peace by entering the priesthood. Their struggles mirror each others and their lives are entwined by a marvelous character, Father Michael. Difficult choices with equally difficult consequences plague both characters and yet through it all there is a sense that God is at work...that the path to our goal is often not straight and yet God is there to help us find our way. The author's writing is evocative and compelling, realistic and intense, heart-wrenching and heartwarming. A great book and this reader is hoping there is a sequel in the works.… (meer)
Anne_Rightler | 5 andere besprekingen | Jun 13, 2016 |
What a wonderful book about two people from different countries whose stories seem to weave together . . Rebecca who resides in America is dealing with the death of her younger sister. She blames herself for the tragedy and wants to go away for awhile. Maybe she can find out what plans God has for her life. It must have been such a burden for Rebecca to carry guilt over her sister's death. Rebecca wants to travel to India and hopefully get some healing from the heartache she feels over her sister.

Sagai lives in South India where he is a priest. He yearns to draw closer to God, but he feels he is only grower further away from Him. As Rebecca searches for answers, she goes to a church where there is a priest speaking. The priest is friends with Sagai and Rebecca shares her desire with the priest about traveling to India. I really enjoyed how Rebecca and Sagai became pen pals with the priest. They started a friendship that lasted many years. The author does a great job of telling a story about two people looking for the same answer. How many times have we asked God for help? Have we ever felt like He isn't listening or has left us? What if we hear His voice clearly, but decide to take a different path instead?

The book is well written and definitely makes you take a look at your own life. Did we take the road God showed us, or did we take the crooked road which led us to trails, struggles, unhappiness and a feeling of loneliness for Him? It is a very engaging book with wonderful characters who draw you in with their desire to find answers and seek God. As I read the book, it made me really search my heart and think about the choices I have made. Did I follow the crooked lines or listen to Him and follow the straight lines that was my destiny?

I received a copy of this book from The BookClub Network for an honest review.
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Harley0326 | 5 andere besprekingen | May 15, 2016 |
Wow, what a powerful read. Two worlds drawn together by God's plan. This book was well written and completely drew me into the story. Each of these characters have gone through great trials in life. On one side of the world you have Sagai Raj in India getting ready to enter the priesthood and in the US you have Rebecca Meyer being drawn to India. Sagai has been feeling pressure from superiors in power. All he wants is to help people and show God's love. What does God have planned for him?
Rebecca on the other hand has been dealing with many things in her life too. She is dealing with the unexplained death of her little sister, an abussive husband and a devistated family dynamic. Meanwhile she is trying to figure out her path in life and what God has planned for her.
This author had me hooked from the first chapter! The characters, the plot, and most importantly the Spiritual journey is beautiful. Can't wait for book two.
I recieved this book from The BookClub Network for an honest review.
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Penny_Burns_Marks | 5 andere besprekingen | May 14, 2016 |
Crooked Lines is Holly Michael’s debut novel. The story is about two young people, Rebecca who is growing up in Wisconsin and Sagai, who is growing up in India. Both come from large families and both have dreams they want to follow.

Rebecca is troubled by her little sister’s death and feels her parents blame her for the death. Her dream is to travel to India and then attend college. But due to an accident, she does not get to India, and she attends college across Wisconsin from her family. Rebecca becomes engaged and in trying to decide if she should marry Nate, she spends a weekend with his family. While with his family, they attend church and a visiting priest from India is there. Rebecca becomes friends with Father Michael and over the next 20 years they correspond. Rebecca marries Nate and life is not at all what he promises her it will be. She has many struggles during her life and the one that resurfaces in the story is her faith in God.

While in India, Sagai has always wanted to be a priest. He helps the local Priests serve mass and ends up going to seminary. Father Michael recommends Sagie for training to be a priest. Sagie spends many long hard years away from his family taking orders from unfair superiors. This is the life he was born for. He wants to serve God and help others.

Father Michael corresponds with both Rebecca and Sagai. He asks each one of them to pray for the other, even though they have not met each other.

I like this book. There is a lot of twists and turns that take place and most of the time it really was not what I thought would happen. It was hard to read the constant trial both Rebecca and Sagai were constantly going through. I felt Rebecca’s character was a little weak. She gave up her dream of traveling to India and went through with a marriage she was not excited about. While Sagai’s character was very strong, enduring more unfair treatment than most would. I was disappointed with the part in the story where Sagai and his two friends have a mud fight. Had it happened when he was younger, it would have been more reasonable. The book ends in such a way I hope there is a sequel.

I received this book from Book Club Network for an honest review. I give this book a 4.5
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eccl | 5 andere besprekingen | Apr 9, 2016 |


½ 4.7