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I was hoping for more science, less "here's how awesome I and my program are, here's a whole bunch of testimonials to that fact!"
If you're looking for a stereotypical fad-diet-that-you'll-stick-with-for-two-months-and-then-gain-back-all-of-your-weight-because-you-can't-keep-eating-like-this-for-your-whole-life, then this is the book for you.
zizabeph | 5 andere besprekingen | May 7, 2023 |
I know. Totally hipster.
But I have relatives who rave about gut solutions being the magic key to life so I figured I'd give it a chance. And, I must admit, he does have some evidence and more peer-reviewed sources than I thought (I mean, his peers are not quite my peers, ya know what I'm sayin'?).

Anyway, it was interesting. I'm sure I'll live long enough to see whether he's right.
OutOfTheBestBooks | 5 andere besprekingen | Sep 24, 2021 |
Although Dr. Mullin has been thinking about the microbiome for years, most of this book is about standard alternative diet advice, with references to Omega-6, FODMAPs, Mediterranean Diet, etc. — you know...There’s not much about the microbiome here. It's mostly a modified Mediterranean-style diet, with sections on yoga, exercise, etc. -- with little specific reference to the microbiome.
richardSprague | 5 andere besprekingen | Mar 22, 2020 |
I think this book makes a good effort at integrating what we know about gut microbes, metabolism, inflammation, and nutrition. It addresses SIBO and other gut conditions. He makes a few compromises that I wouldn't necessary make, such as using whey or other protein powders and use of some artificial sweeteners in small quantities. Overall a good book, especially if you have gut issues.
Silvia_rubicula | 5 andere besprekingen | Oct 8, 2018 |
Boost your metabolism, restore your inner ecology, and lose the weight for good!
jhawn | 5 andere besprekingen | Jul 31, 2017 |
Excellent nutrution book, with emphasis on gut health and microbiome strength, based on classic Mediterranean diet approach.
bodhisattva | 5 andere besprekingen | Jun 3, 2017 |
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