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I found that reading this book was a little bit like scraping the enamel from my teeth with a rusty knife: an extremely painful pastime. It was, however, worthwhile.

Superhubs are the cliques built up by the elite, the 1%, who think they have the right to rule the world. Hubris comes off every page like cheap printer's ink from an old newspaper. I really believe that these people feel that they are superior and yet, what do they do? Do they produce food, shelter or even luxury goods? No. They produce money; a pile of paper, or more likely these days, a series of noughts and ones on a computer system.

Ms. Navidi recognises that the system is broken and talks of a need for more honesty within the super rich. The time for that has long passed. I wish that the revolution was aimed more to the left than the right, but revolution is definitely in the air. As Marx was fond of reminding us, capitalism contains the seeds of its own destruction and the time is near. How were we ever duped by a system that insists on continual growth? Nothing can increase for ever and, although capitalism has conned the public for a few extra decades by allowing credit to mask the fact that, far from seeping down to the lower orders, money gravitates to the higher echelons, the end may well be nigh.

I referred to Marx earlier and, as he was a good observer of the capitalist system, but a poor remedial force, so too is Ms Navidi. The faults of capitalism are laid bare for all to see; the future is uncertain, and probably unpleasant but, capitalism will soon be the past.
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the.ken.petersen | Dec 18, 2016 |