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If you know me, you know I don't read non-fiction very often. As a homeschool teacher, I read history daily, but when I received a phone call on The Nichols Brothers, Suburbia to Destruction, by Mark Nichols, I was intrigued. I wanted to know, since I couldn't place the story. And I should have.

During the time of the Nichols case, Michael Jackson and Scott Peterson were high profile. I saw them, but didn't really pay attention to them either. I hate the news and anything that causes division. But this book, it did something to me. It captured me from the very beginning- and the with a surreal TRUTH that told me this was the one to read.

This book was as honest as this year's winter snow represented global warming. I'm not saying that all the facts given by Mark were 100%, because only Brian knows those facts, but I can tell you this- this book was real and a refreshing read. I liked it.
The story isn't simply on Brian Nichols and his killing spree. It shares how a guy, from a middle class background, high school diploma and college degree, working for a huge corporation making six figures, driving a BMW snapped. The story doesn't make light, or glorify his actions, nor do they attempt to prove him innocent. Matter of factly, it's constantly repeated that Brian knew what he'd done. He'd admitted it too! The Nichols Brothers tells how good kids (though they weren't always good), even with a great upbringing, can go bad.

I won't tell the story, but you gain a sense of understanding on what everyone went through. From his parents to his brother, telling the story. The emotions of cousins, friends, associates and so forth are shared. You see how they grew up and what they did, because Mark shares various photos to back up his claims (the school photo is the BEST!). He offers links to articles too, showing he's not just saying things. It makes the story real- though it already was.

What gets me the most is how Mark wrote the book. Thanks to my amazing imagination, I managed to read this book (while homeschooling and being a housewife) in a day and a half. It was like reading fiction! I couldn't stop until it was done. Mark's voice and style was unique and engaging. I felt he was right there narrating a movie in my mind, and that gets to me! It got to me and I pushed through it, ahead of schedule. I'm so glad I did too. I discovered the story of Ashley, the one who talked Brian down, too. Both stories fit like a puzzle, bringing things to a life-saving close. It made the book's ending closure for me.

Because Mark Nichols didn't start this book, thinking he was going to be an author, I don't know if he'll have anything more to write, but I want this one on my bookshelf. It's the first non-fictional story I'm proud to share and want to keep. Check out The Nichols Brothers and see for yourself. Follow the links, view the photos. Cheers!

The Nichols Brothers: Suburbia to Destruction
Mark Nichols
Amazon Digital Services
March 23rd, 2017
AReneeHunt | Aug 24, 2017 |