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Werken van Cheryl Oblon

Sunflower Touches (DIY Dolls 1) (Volume 1) (2016) 7 exemplaren, 2 besprekingen


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The Book Junkie Reads . . . Review of Sunflower Touches. . .
I am not sure if I could push on with a new family being blended with three new females. Now giving the already estrogen filled home seven females to cope with. Not without pulling some hair out and maybe even kicking a little but along the way. The one really good thing was getting a friend and a sister that could understand you.

Chloe has some giving up and growing up to do. She has a newly blended family where she is no longer the woman of the house. She has new younger sisters that she need to set an example for and care for. She has a new mother figure in the home and need to give up some of the responsibilities of everyday. She needs to allow someone in to help her and care for her. With young romance on the horizon, she needs to take all the help she can get.

**This eBook was provided by NK Author Serives the author in exchange for an honest review.**
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thebookjunkiereads | 1 andere bespreking | May 1, 2016 |
I am a fan of this author's books. However, the name I know this author under is Cheryl Dragon. She writes erotica novels. I can barely remember a book that I have read that I did not like. So, when I got the chance to read this book I jumped at the chance. Yet, you could call me very curious about this book. I wanted to see how Ms. Dragon aka Ms. Oblon was at writing YA books. Well I am happy to report that Ms. Oblon can write YA books.

In the beginning I was team Chloe but then I quickly got on team Cat's side. However in the end I was on both of these girls sides (ok, may still a fan of Cat's more). The reason for this is because I found Cat to be a strong leader. She is smart, caring, and a bit sassy. Although, I liked Chloe's artist view point on life. While she may have been a little naïve, she grew stronger herself for it. Another thing that I liked about this book is the blended family and that everyone from the rest of the family to Cat and Chloe's friends all had voices in the story. I pictured Chloe's gay friend, Kyle to be more outgoing and full of personality, so I was disappointed that he was not. I have hung out with several gay friends who were like this so I am used to this type of personality. They are so much fun to be around. I can't wait to read the second book in this series which is Cat's story.… (meer)
Cherylk | 1 andere bespreking | Feb 28, 2016 |


½ 3.5