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A Violent Gentleman – A Great Debut

Hooked from the prologue, and as an avid reader of thrillers, the most successful books in this genre, pick you up on page 1 and do not let you go until the very end.

The action is O'Leary's very impressive debut thriller novel and is beautifully paced, and the book opens with a bang, keeps you hooked throughout, what adds hugely to this are the nuances of the main character, Jerry and the relationships he forges with his sidekick, Noah.

Jeremiah O’Connell has made the move to the USA. He works as a fixer for the rich and famous and it pays well. He finds that LA is no different to London and Essex in many ways. Drug dealers push their drugs and walk around with a swagger and impunity. One particular gang crosses swords with Jerry, it’s time for payback.

Some of the US ‘misunderstandings’ with Brits are covered and they set the tone nicely. In terms of what Jerry is after though, everything is crystal. Although you never think any different, it’s made clear as the story progresses that this is last man standing stuff.

Jerry has certain 'superhuman' traits and the author has an ability to eschew the obvious. Many of the set pieces within this book just do not end as you would imagine they might on first reading, and this ability to surprise the reader.

This is a great debut, a Jack Reacher type main character, and you are gripped from beginning to end.
atticusfinch1048 | Feb 17, 2022 |