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Ophthalmology at a Glance, Second Edition by Jane Olver, Lorraine Cassidy, Gurjeet Jutley and Laura Crawley is a short, succinct and well organized overview of the Ophthalmology. Different diseases and conditions are easily found by using the table of contents and index. It is profusely illustrated with color photos. It covers all common and some not so common eye problems. I picked it out myself, not because I am a student starting in the field but because my husband and I have a variety of eye problems. I thought it would be a good reference book to have on hand.

I think that the diagrams of the eye was the best part of the book. The information about each topic is handled with bullets and it is very limited. It also get information on how to best to give eye drops and other areas of medicine that intersect with ophthalmology such as migraines, tumors and autoimmune diseases. I was a little disappointed in the lack of depth but the title is correct, it is a glance. What is great is that you can research the bulleted information with the correct terms. The language is simple and easy to understand.

I highly recommend this book to aspiring future doctors to get an idea of the scope of the field and for people who have a variety of eye problems.

I received this book from Amazon Vine for free but that in no way influenced my thoughts or feelings in this review.
Carolee888 | May 28, 2014 |