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“Vitamin B12 deficiency is an epidemic causing more health damage than the polio epidemic and it can now be prevented through simple screening and treatment.” -–Sally M. Pacholok, RN,BSN

My Thoughts:
Ok guys, so this book is a non-fiction self help type book. These are really hard to review since there isn’t really a story or plot to critique. The best I can do here is tell you what the book is about and whether I think they did a good job compiling the information or not.

As for the topic: This one is about how the vitamin B12 (or lack there of) can be the cause of many ailments. It explains how there is currently an epidemic of misdiagnosed diseases ranging from MS to depression that are actually B12 deficiency. Being someone who has had a “mystery” illness that over 5 years and uncountable doctors later is STILL a mystery, of COURSE this book was of interest to me.

I have to be honest, this thing is a beast, I mean it took me over a month to get through. That being said, I wasn’t really trying to read it straight through either. I would read a little while and then pick up some fiction. Curious as I am about what’s wrong with me – it wasn’t enough to make me sit down and read cover to cover.

Did I think this book was helpful: I think it was interesting. I don’t regret reading it, if that makes sense. I think anyone who is interested in ‘feeling” better would probably benefit from reading this one because it seems there are a lot of illnesses (or at least the symptoms of) out there that B12 is the answer for. I also think this book would be a beneficial read to anyone in the health care field (RN, LPN, CNA, HOME CARE, etc) If more professionals and the people in charge of health care were aware of and acknowledged this issue, perhaps it would become less of an issue.

Should you read it?
Just for "funsies"-probably no. Its just not that kind of book.
If you or your loved ones have health issues that you cant seem to get a handle on or you’ve been diagnosed for something and the standard treatment for that “something” doesn’t seem to work… Then I say, definitely pick this book up.
BunnyCates | 1 andere bespreking | Jul 8, 2015 |
Excellent lay-person's guide to the importance of B-12 metabolism and the problems that may result in the absence of absorption of B-12 vitamin. Upon receiving a diagnosis of "pernicious anemia" many people find themselves at a loss to fully understand this condition themselves, let alone explain it to their families and friends. Many times, doctors are unaware of this condition or its ramifications for other illnesses or immune-compromised conditions which may be related or impacted by Pernicious Anemia. This book is a great help for patients to understand the role of B-12 in good health and to enable them to ask useful questions of their doctors. Proper absorption of B-12 is also apparently necessary for healthy aging. Many people presumed to have senile dementia are found to have abnormally low B-12 levels. Such cases respond well to B-12 therapy, according to this book.
nobooksnolife | 1 andere bespreking | Mar 12, 2008 |
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