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Japanese characters by Yoko Nakawaza and Seito Eguchi

This glossary was compiled with two aims.

One, that it serve as a guide to beginrs in bujutsu and secondly, as a source-book for more experienced expoinents.

Over the last few years there has been a marked increase in the number of those taking part in the various Japanese martial arts. As the popularity-reflected in the themes of films, books and television-grows in the West, the serious student of bujutsu, be it aikido, judo, karate or kendo often finds confusing the Japanese names for, and definitions of, the diverse movements incorporated in training and competition. This book sets out to clarify many misconceptions and to offer an easy reference which should be of use to beginers and advanced students alike.

The author (6th dan Karate-Do) is chief Karate-Do instructor at San Francisco's State University-California.
AikiBib | Aug 14, 2022 |