Afbeelding auteur

Janette Paul

Auteur van Just Breathe (Random Romance)

3 Werken 15 Leden 3 Besprekingen

Werken van Janette Paul

Just Breathe (Random Romance) (2013) 10 exemplaren, 3 besprekingen
The Summer Place (2023) 3 exemplaren
Amber and Alice (2017) 2 exemplaren


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Just Breathe by Janette Paul is a cute funny romantic read. This book will capture your attention and heart from the beginning, making you laugh out loud throughout. The dynamic between the characters is so real you become invested and love both of them and want them to be together forever.

Dee Nichols is a free-spirit. She is a yoga teacher with no desire to plan or think about anything more than two weeks in the future. In fact, just the word “future” has her running for the hills. Ten years prior, she was in a terrible car accident that left her broken physically, mentally, and emotionally. Not only was her body broken into a million pieces, but so was her heart, when her fiancé decided he couldn’t deal with her injuries and left her. After this, she had no desire to look into the future… until she met the very handsome and famous Ethan Roxburgh. Ethan was exactly the type of man she would never go for, because he was a suit and tie successful business man. She was definitely surprised and confused when she found herself having a crush on him especially after he offered to help her with some business advice, which she desperately needed if she was going to survive and not starve to death. Their lives could not be any more different, so how could a relationship work between them, especially with the media always being involved in Ethan’s love life. Could they be exactly what they were both looking for? Can Dee look into the future or will she ruin any chance of a future because of her fear of the word?

I absolutely loved this book and did not want it to ever end. I love the epilogue of this book, because it was something different than what you normally see. I would give this book 5 out of 5 stars and would recommend this book to anyone that loves a good romance.
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srkromer | 2 andere besprekingen | Oct 14, 2014 |
I had high hopes for this because I love the opposites attract stories, and it didn't disappoint. I loved it so much. A friend asked me Hi Ash!:

Is this like a flower child sticking it up to "The Man"?

It's definitely not, although she summed up perfectly what I expected this story to be. And I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't.

Dee is a great character. I could tell that outside everyone sees her as an impulsive, living-in-the-moment, fun, hippie girl, but being in her head was so sad at times because she is letting her past dictate her life, or lack of it, rather. I just wanted to hug her and tell her everything's going to be okay.
Is she a flower child? No. Her character is much more complex than that. She's just your everyday girl that happens to be into yoga because she believes in it. It helped her pick herself up and rebuild her body after a devastating accident and it's something that makes her feel good about herself. She's not preachy about her lifestyle and she definitely doesn't stick it up to anybody that doesn't welcome it.

Ethan was such a nice surprise in this story - I completely expected "The Man" and again, I was mistaken. The author steps out of the rich playboy businessman stereotype - Ethan is just a regular guy that happens to have an insane business gene and some money, it doesn't define him and he doesn't flaunt it around like it should give him any privileges.

For insta-love fans, you won't find it here. These two go from non-attraction, through easy friendship, towards falling in love. I liked how you could see Ethan realizing that she is exactly who he needs by his side, and how she slowly opens up to him and lets him in. They are so different neither of them feels like they would make sense, but she disturbs his peaceful routine as much as he disturbs hers. The author really takes the time to develop their relationship, and at times I felt it was maybe too slow (but worth it). I won't talk much about their relationship because it might be spoilerish, but just so you know, there is a swoon-worthy scene to look forward to.

I loved the way it was written - it suited me perfectly. Like I said, it might have been a little too slow at times, and when it comes to Dee it takes her forever to reach that Sh*t Together stage she so wants in her life, but it was definitely worth the wait. There is amazing chemistry between Dee and Ethan, and even though it takes them a while to develop this mutual attraction, it's always simmering somewhere in the background. All the characters brought something to the story, I loved the friendships, or watching Dee and Val mend their mother-daughter relationship, and Dee's relationships with her students. The dialogue felt natural, and it was witty and sharp and real and I loved it.
There are these little moments when Dee is meditating that you could just feel her just letting go of all the stress and finding that serene place in her head.

For those wondering, this is a clean read, the fade-to-black kind.

Janette Paul is actually [a:Jaye Ford|4676626|Jaye Ford|], and while I haven't read her work yet, I think I might give her a try seeing how much I liked Just Breathe. It's enjoyable, funny and heartfelt. I definitely recommend it.

**Free copy of this book provided by the publisher via NetGalley.
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AriBookzilla | 2 andere besprekingen | Sep 21, 2013 |
Just Breathe is the second of the Random Romance books I have read (the first being One Little White Lie) and if the quality so far is anything to go by, I’ll be reading this series in its entirety! This is another light, fun book you can completely lose yourself in (whether you’re on a busy train or ignoring household chores)!

Janette Paul is better known as Jaye Ford, who writes crime and thriller books such as Scared Yet? and Beyond Fear. I haven’t read any of those books yet, but I’m hoping she writes some more romance books as Janette Paul! Although the overall theme of this book is romance, there are several other plots such as loss, finances (don’t worry, it’s not boring) and growing up.

The protagonist of this book is Dee (short for Trudy – but only called that by her disapproving mother), a yoga teacher who lives in the moment after a life changing accident. Dee doesn’t like to plan for the future – she’s done that once and it collapsed spectacularly. So her rule is never more than a few weeks at a time – she doesn’t have a bank account, a stable income or a mortgage. These things just tie you down.

One of Dee’s yoga students, Lucy, nominates her to be the face of a health insurance company’s ads. Reluctantly, Dee does the commercials and the print media (if only to get her finances off life support) and she’s an instant star. She attracts the notice of Lucy’s brother, Ethan Roxburgh, a rich businessman. Ethan, a notorious womaniser, works with Dee to ‘market her product’ with sometimes hilarious results – from the throwing of shoes to the falling down dress. Will Dee and Ethan be able to get it together when they have such different philosophies?

You probably already know the answer to that question, but the book is a lot of fun in addition to being quite relaxing because of all the yoga. (I’ve been springing a few Warrior Poses since trying to make myself stronger like Dee). It’s okay if you don’t know yoga as Dee explains the poses and the rationale to her students. It’s also not a big deal if you don’t like yoga because it doesn’t take up large chunks of the book.

The other thing on Dee’s mind – to put down roots, find a ‘real’ job and get a mortgage like her mother continually suggests will be familiar to readers of a certain age. Dee’s constant refusal is a nice rebuttal to what society continually expects everyone to do.
Just one thing – this book is about the romance. If you’re looking for sex scenes, you’ll be disappointed. I didn’t mind it because I got wrapped up in the story – how much were Dee and Ethan willing to change for each other? Both of them were sweet characters with enough individuality to not fit the mould and there’s quite a few humourous moments.

I really enjoyed this book – it turned some stereotypes on their heads and was incredibly well written in terms of plot, speech and description. Well worth it!

Thank you to Random House Australia for providing me with an ARC of this book.
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birdsam0610 | 2 andere besprekingen | Feb 3, 2013 |

Misschien vindt je deze ook leuk

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