Afbeelding auteur

Laura Pavlov

Auteur van Always Mine

39+ Werken 542 Leden 29 Besprekingen Favoriet van 1 leden


Werken van Laura Pavlov

Always Mine (2022) 61 exemplaren, 2 besprekingen
Into the Tide (2023) 43 exemplaren, 2 besprekingen
Under the Stars (2023) 33 exemplaren, 3 besprekingen
Frayed (2021) 32 exemplaren, 2 besprekingen
Make You Mine (2022) 30 exemplaren, 2 besprekingen
On the Shore (2023) 29 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
Legacy (2021) 29 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
Sealed (2021) 26 exemplaren, 2 besprekingen
Ever Mine (2022) 26 exemplaren, 2 besprekingen
Simply Mine (2022) 26 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
Only Mine (2022) 23 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
After the Storm (2023) — Auteur — 21 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
Claimed (2022) 18 exemplaren, 2 besprekingen
Charmed (2021) 18 exemplaren, 2 besprekingen
Tangled (2021) 18 exemplaren, 2 besprekingen
Before the Sunset (2023) 17 exemplaren, 2 besprekingen
Loving Romeo (Magnolia Falls, #1) (2024) 16 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
Rebel (2021) 10 exemplaren
Peacekeeper (2022) 9 exemplaren
Beautifully Damaged (2019) 9 exemplaren
Wild River (Magnolia Falls #2) (2024) 8 exemplaren
More Jade (2020) 6 exemplaren
More of Us 5 exemplaren
Wanted Wed or Alive (2021) 5 exemplaren
The Bold and the Bullheaded (2021) 4 exemplaren
Stay With Me 3 exemplaren
Another Motherfaker (2021) 2 exemplaren
More of You 2 exemplaren
Stay A Wyle 1 exemplaar
Always Mine Special Edition (2022) 1 exemplaar
Captivated 1 exemplaar
Destined 1 exemplaar
Beautifully Flawed (2020) 1 exemplaar

Gerelateerde werken

Sexy Bedtime Stories (2023) — Medewerker — 8 exemplaren
Fall Into You (2022) — Medewerker — 5 exemplaren
Sexy Bedtime Stories: Volume 1 (2023) — Medewerker — 4 exemplaren
Lights, Snow and Mistletoe (2023) — Medewerker — 2 exemplaren
Stuck on You: a forced proximity anthology — Medewerker — 2 exemplaren
My Hometown — Medewerker — 2 exemplaren


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Omg I nothings could not top Jett, then Gray, but now we have Crew, and he has also stolen my heart. Crew and Maura’s families are the equivalent to The Hatfield and McCoy’s, they hate each other and nothing good comes from being near each other. Maura has an internship with Crew’s company one that she can’t tell her father about and one that she knows will be hard to navigate because Crew has always treated her awful. Crew sees this as an opportunity to give his enemy’s daughter a hard time in hopes she will quit and he will get some sort of satisfaction of breaking her down, little does he know she is a firecracker and has a heart of gold. With so much time spent together in the office Crew starts to realize Maura is nothing like he expected, she is a hard worker, loves hard, and is special. As tension increases and attraction flies how can these two navigate such a sticky situation and will years of hate turn into something more? I don’t want to spoil too much but I adored Crew and his transformation that takes place. They both have hearts of gold and love hard but when so many obstacles are stacked against you do you keep fighting or is it easier to walk away? Can love really trump hatred or will others stand in their way? This series has taken me for a wild ride of fun, friendship, love, and I have adored it all. I can’t wait to see what happens next (PS this is for C-Dawg and Mad-Dawg)… (meer)
readonreader | 1 andere bespreking | Jan 24, 2024 |
I have loved each Magic Willows book I have read and this one is just as amazing as the others. Coco is the funny one of the group who says exactly what she thinks and doesn’t care what others think of her. She comes from money, but she is down to earth, sweet, and very capable of doing things for herself, yet her parents always treat her as second best. Coco’s sister is over the top drama queen, so her parents have always catered to her needs because they knew Coco has always been independent. This behavior from her parents has left Coco kind of feeling alone in the world, hardening her heart so she won’t ever have it broke except with her friends. When her sister is getting married, she has been harassed by her mother and sister about her plus one so desperate time calls for desperate measures and that’s when she meets Roman her potential Big Sexy. Roman is a single dad, hard worker that will do anything to make sure his son is set in life and knows he is always loved so he never dates because fatherhood comes first, always. When Coco propositions him to help her the weekend of her sister’s wedding she offers to help him out as well and at first, he doesn’t like the idea but warms up to it. Roman plays the fake boyfriend so well and feelings become more, but with the contract they came up with will they throw caution to the wind or decide it’s not worth the risk of being hurt? I love these characters, new and old, I love their chemistry, and I especially love their growth. It was such a sweet read that had me laughing and swooning, but Tino really stole the show because he was too precious. Roman and Coco both have issues with trust, love, and finding someone who can hold their attention long enough but can they both be that person for each other or are they doomed to be alone? I loved how Coco and Roman both had hard exteriors and threw walls up for days, yet when it came down to it they were softies on the inside helping each other see that they both deserved happiness.… (meer)
readonreader | 1 andere bespreking | Jan 24, 2024 |
I’ve slowly been dying anticipating Ivy and Ty’s story because every single Magic Willow book we have gotten glimpses of her struggling with their ending and trying to move on this did not disappoint at all. Ivy has made her home in Willow Springs the exact dream she had planned when graduating high school the only difference now is 5 years later Ty is still not part of the picture, nope he is still out making himself the best country star ever never looking back for Ivy and she hates him for destroying their path to a future. Ivy thinks her hatred is just that but what she doesn’t realize is she never got over him nor got the closure or explanation as why he left with no reason. Now she is planning his sister’s wedding and Ty is in town wanting to talk. Ivy is determined not to talk to Ty only to be professional and get her job done, but Ty has other plans. Ty has a lot weighing on him his career, the stress of other people depending on him, still in love with Ivy, and his dad who he still hates is making him stressed and his therapist suggests getting closure. Ty and Ivy have al to they need to work out but it isn’t going to be easy because Ty doesn’t want Ivy to hate him any more but Ivy doesn’t know how to let go of years pining away for a love they shared. I loved Ty and Ivy because they had a love that you knew could conquer all if only Ty could let go of his past and learn that all he needs in this life is the strong loving woman that is still standing by his side even if she was mad at him for years. This series has been so much fun and pure perfection because each individual character has their own personalities and each couple has their own trials to work through but in the end they always have each other’s backs no matter what. The bond they all share is one for the ages.… (meer)
readonreader | 1 andere bespreking | Jan 24, 2024 |
Welcome to Honey Mountain where this community is strong in family, strength, loyalty, and friendships. Niko West and Vivian have been best friends since they were small kids and now as grown ups they are still the best friends ever, but there has always been an underlying attraction that’s been brewing. Vivian wants to experience life for the first time after finally letting go of the deadweight her relationship with her ex was and she wants Niko to be the one to help her. Niko loves Vivian, always has but his past has defined his future for so long that he doesn’t think he is what she deserves, but fate has other plans. Niko is this amazing person who loves hard, is loyal, and works hard but he sees himself as damaged goods. Could he ever be what Vivian deserved in life, could he give her the things she has always wanted in life, and when the past comes back to haunt him can he save her from it and learn to never let it define his future? These two were perfect for each other, as best friends that become more they knew every doubt, love, and devotion they had. This series is going to be amazing because there are so many side characters that are not only entertaining but I’d love to dive into their lives.… (meer)
readonreader | 1 andere bespreking | Jan 24, 2024 |

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