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Are you seeking a political thriller that is also romance and is super hot and spicy? Well, that's oddly specific BUT YOU FOUND IT!

Ruled by Angel Payne is a delightful thrill ride with lots of sex, a bountiful amount of politics and enough angst to blow up a high school. Seriously, it's kinda amazing how much was fit into this book!

Tracy Rhodes is the Vice President/second in command. She's got a pretty powerful position and she's one strong woman! Then walks in one hunk of a man and within a blink of an eye the two are totally hot for each other. Seriously, the sexy vibes go WAY up the minute they start talking. It's quite the sight. John Franzen is the man we are talking about, and he just takes the cake for his rough and tough demeanour.

This story is entertaining and mighty smutty. I feel like I needed to read some of the past books to understand this one though. I felt very confused on what was going on. It's still a great book though!

Two out of five stars - solely because I needed to read the prior books and I seem to be veering away from this genre? The book is great, but not for me.

I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.
Briars_Reviews | Aug 4, 2023 |
I didn't actually hate this but it was a waste of a good story line. The blurb promised a good amount of emotional tension plus kinky sex but delivered the narrative equivalent of a wet noodle.

The lady and the dude are reunited almost immediately, so there's no tension there. The dude whines about how he wants to spank his lady now, because...something and how you shouldn't want to spank the lady you love. The lady is like "gimme some peen, please" but the dude is like "no way, not unless you let me handcuff you". The lady is like, "sure no problem, that sounds like a lot of fun, actually", and the dude is like "hah, yeah right, I love you too much to give you the sexing we both want". Then the lady is like "whuh? that makes no sense" and the dude is like "I don't need to make sense, I thought you were dead for a whole year". There was zero inquiry about how the lady escaped her kidnappers and survived in the jungle for a whole year, but there was some vague stuff about a sex trafficking ring, and then another kidnapping, and then the dude poses as a gross sex-buyer to get his lady back and has sex with her in front of the sex traffickers. And all of that could have made this an interesting story but all of the emotional details were glossed over in favor of some really intense navel-gazing. I won't be bothering with the rest of this series.
wonderlande | 3 andere besprekingen | Jan 1, 2023 |
Claire Montgomery is one member of the infamous Asher and Associates "dream team" public relations firm. For any scandal or negative press the team will spin a new web for the press. The only thing they ask is for complete honesty. Ha..yeah right! In a corporate and political media obsessed world--no one is honest. Everyone keeps secrets.

Killian Stone is the CEO of Stone Global Corporation. His older brother Trey has created a scandal for his family which makes the SGC stock drop. Killian needs to bring the big PR guns out. What he didn't expect was sweet Claire Montgomery to take his breathe away. From the moment their hands touched, it was electric. He knows he should stay away from her. She even told him to. But he can't. Neither can she. They have to keep their relationship hidden from her boss and her boss's daughter. How long can their secrets stay hidden? How long can a relationship remain hidden? It's just a fling right?
randaknight | 3 andere besprekingen | Jan 2, 2022 |
Delicously Steamy and Lovely Romance

I loved this! It's fun, entertaining, steamy, and quite romantic. Shark's Edge by Angel Payne and Victoria Blue kept is such a deliciously and delightful adult romance story and I absolutely enjoyed it.

I honestly could not stop reading this book and I breezed through it in one sitting. I remember feeling like I was in a reading slump and wanted an easy to read, fast-paced, and entertaining book. This was all that, but so much more. The storyline is utterly so good and I loved imagining myself as Abbigail. All the feels, swoons, steam, and tension had me blushing in the best way. I adore Sebastian and Abbigail and loved their chemistry. Definitely one of my favorite couples and I could not get enough of them. I read plenty of romance and sexy novels, but this book had me completely hooked and addicted. I can't wait for more and if you love reading romance stories with a lot of heat, then I highly recommend you add this book on your TBR!
karenjo46 | 2 andere besprekingen | Feb 26, 2020 |
What a steamy and smoking hot book jam-packed with tension and some major plot points that revolved heavily around relationships. I loved reading this book and really sort of getting into the story. I loved the overall plot and how the story progressed. I feel like I would love the rest of this series, especially if they are all as well written, full of steamy plot points, and include this many well-developed characters! Also, this cover art is gorgeous! I love how flashy and dominating the photo of the man on the cover is and how attracting it is. It definitely made me want to read this book and see more of this series later! This book is a must read if you are into hot romantic scenes, developed characters, and an interesting storyline!
renee7687 | 2 andere besprekingen | Feb 9, 2020 |
There are definitely some Shades of Grey vibes being thrown here: rich bad boy with goo goo eyes for an underdog (lunch caterer), who also happens to enjoy hard sex and non-disclosure agreements...need I say more. Authors, Angela Payne and Victoria Blue, take Mr. Grey - I mean Mr. Shark's - sexy charm up a bit by making him a protector and family man for his single sister's young child.

Shark's Edge made up for lack of sex scenes in the intrigue the authors create around Mr. Shark's childhood, friendships and behavior. This first novel seems to just be a warm up for what is to come, even going so far as to include a steamy finale for the readers.

*Disclaimer: a review copy if this book was provided by the publisher. All opinions are my own.
JillRey | 2 andere besprekingen | Nov 18, 2019 |
I voluntarily read and reviewed a copy of this book provided by NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

No Prince Charming is my first taste of Angle Payne and Victoria Blue's storytelling. No Prince is book one in the Secrets of Stone series, and published in March of 2018. I like that these two authors have come up with a modern day Cinderella, kind of, plot. There are just enough Cinderella notes to flavor the story without being a complete copy. I'm impressed with this fresh take.

Claire Montgomery is complicated and yet predictable. She works for her son-to-be step-mother and step sister. They're awful, as you would expect. Their PR company is hired to revamp the image of Stone Global. She's meek, taking all the grief the control freaks throw her way. She competent, smart, lovely inside and out, but really, really, needs to speak up for herself. The writing duo have written the step-sister, Margaux, as the one you love to hate. I adore a character that evokes such emotion.

Killian Stone needs a PR firm to repair the damage his brother has wrought. This guy is as close to Prince Charming as you can get in the 21st century. Handsome, strong, sexy, rich and besotted with Claire. Did I mention rich and handsome? He winds up chasing our Cinderella, but she's fast. The big obstacle for our couple will be secrets, so darn many secrets. Somehow Claire manages to stand up to Killian and not be walked all over. Of course, she runs away.

Our couples story is continued in book two, No More Masquerade. That's where I'm heading, I want to know what happens to Claire and Killian. There are loose ends that I hope are taken care of. Happy reading.

#AngelPayne #VictoriaBlue #NoPrinceCharming #SecretsOf Stone #NetGalley #WaterhousePress
FDarlene491 | 3 andere besprekingen | Jun 13, 2019 |
This is a love story pure and simple with a little bit of fantasy on the side. There is plenty of sex if that is what you like but I found there was very little to this besides the love story. The characters are hot for each other and are constantly having sex but there is very little substance to their relationship. They say the right things to each other to make readers swoon but there really is no story here. I find it hard to believe that a girl trying to escape from a well-to-do family to help people, would choose to work in a hotel. There are lots of charitable jobs she could have chosen to truly help people. Also, falling into Bolts arms, who happens to be a billionaire isn't quite escaping her status. Quite frankly, there was little or no plot. It was not for me. Thank you to the publishers and NetGalley for giving me an ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed here are my own.
bm2ng | Apr 9, 2019 |
This is a love story pure and simple with a little bit of fantasy on the side. There is plenty of sex if that is what you like but I found there was very little to this besides the love story. The characters are hot for each other and are constantly having sex but there is very little substance to their relationship. They say the right things to each other to make readers swoon but there really is no story here. I find it hard to believe that a girl trying to escape from a well-to-do family to help people, would choose to work in a hotel. There are lots of charitable jobs she could have chosen to truly help people. Also, falling into Bolts arms, who happens to be a billionaire isn't quite escaping her status. Quite frankly, there was little or no plot. It was not for me. Thank you to the publishers and NetGalley for giving me an ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed here are my own.
bm2ng | Apr 9, 2019 |
My review:

I loved this book. All the angst and denial. It was as if it was a page out of life. It was well written and kept me hooked from the beginning to the end. Brilliant. Just as you think that things will work out and Claire will give in she runs away again. I will even read the sequel. (And I hate reading sequels) I am looking forward to reading more books by this author! Please keep them coming!


“Once upon a time, there was a girl who dressed up and went to a big party at the palace. When she was there, she met a prince. They danced and fell in love…”

Damn good line. Too bad I don’t believe a word of it anymore.

My name is Claire Montgomery...and I’m not a princess. I’m a fighter. I worked hard to earn my place on the emergency image repair team for one of the biggest public relations companies in the country. We’ve been called to the renowned Chicago headquarters of Stone Global Corporation, where it’s our job to clean up a heap of the Stone family’s filthiest laundry. Our success will be the biggest victory of my career. I’m on my game. I’m ready.

Why doesn’t “ready” include a contingency plan for Killian Stone?

My name is Killian Stone...and they call me the “Enigma of Magnificent Mile." That’s just the way I like it. Elite tycoons want into my bank account. Their wives and daughters want into my pants. They’ll all do anything for a piece of the enigma—until a crack in the castle is too huge for anyone to ignore. What they all don’t know is that I’m thrilled about the fissure. Their fascination with the scandal means nobody will look at the bigger secret of the Stone family. I’m safe.

Until Claire Montgomery walks through my doors.

Her honesty, her bravery, her humor…they pull me in, a prism against the gray walls of my tower. I’m captivated. For the very first time, I long to shed the enigma. To share my secret. But what the hell will that get me? Even if she fits the slipper I offer…I’m no Prince Charming.
Emmie217 | 3 andere besprekingen | Jun 27, 2018 |
As a Book Reviewer I've got a policy of only reviewing books I've won through the various giveaways offered through FaceBook, and on sites such as and In between these books, I also review books which have been written by other members of the internet support group I belong to; which is why I'm happy to have won "No Prince Charming" by Angel Payne and Victoria Blue a few weeks ago.

I usually have some difficulty when it comes to reading books who's chapter headings are merely the names of the characters in the book for the chapters seem slightly disjointed as you read the entire. However, this is definitely not the case here. You can see how both Angel Blue and Victoria Blue, gave life to their characters Claire Montgomery and Killian Stone, each with their own distinctive POV; and then had seamlessly brought these components together to bring the story we now read.

Just as any woman would love to have Killian has their own Prince Charming; any guy would love to have Claire as their one and only Princess. But beware each one has a secret which can possibly destroy any relationship they should be in.

The writing of each of the authors in this book is tight and precise, especially when it came to creating the dichotomies between these two lovers - - remembers opposites do have the tendencies to be attractive to each other. As for the sexual interludes the story contains, for this reader, they run the gamut from being somewhat humorous to being HOT and STEAMY.

For the range of emotions this book elicits, I'm more than happy to give it 5 STARS !!!
MyPenNameOnly | 3 andere besprekingen | Jan 31, 2015 |
Zeke is so flawed. He’s convinced he can’t be the man Rayna needs. When their friendship takes a turn from the platonic, he makes it clear to Rayna he’s not the kind of guy to make a life with. But who’s he really trying to convince?

Rayne will take what she can get initially but soon realizes she’s too in love with Z to just be friends or friends with benefits. She also finds her submissive side really enjoys the right man taking charge. While they’re trying to figure out their relationship, the brother of the devil who kidnapped Rayna and Sage West is still scheming to get her back to sell her as a sex slave.

Hot, sexy, kinky, romantic and thrilling – this book is everything you expect from Payne!

Rating: 4

Heat Rating: HOT: Detailed Sex Scenes

Reviewed by: ReadWarrior

MyBookAddiction | Feb 16, 2014 |
A year after the Army declared Sage dead, Garrett still hasn’t moved on. He’s doing his job, still tough as nails but can’t stop mourning the love of his life. Sage has spent a year avoiding kidnappers only to be captured and prepped for sale as a sex slave. Garrett and his team have no idea who they’re being sent in to rescue and he cannot believe it’s Sage and she’s alive.

What ensues is a very realist period of readjustment. Garrett fears asserting his dominate side because of what Sage was put through. Sage must find herself and fit back into her old life.

Their external strife isn’t over though and Sage is again nabbed by the same human traffickers. The action is tense, the love is deep and the sex is hot! This book is more than a romance, more than kink and more than a thriller, making it a great read!

Payne has again written a book any reader will enjoy!

Rating: 4

Heat Rating: HOT: Detailed Sex Scenes

Reviewed by: ReadWarrior

MyBookAddiction | 3 andere besprekingen | Feb 16, 2014 |
I really wanted to like this book, I am sucker for angst ridden, emotional and deep going stories featuring wounded heroes and heroines. I was fully prepared for biting my nails to the quick, hurtful word fights, and gritty, possessive love scenes, what I didn't count on was, that I would have to discontinue and cede defeat after having struggled through half of the story.

The hero, Garrett Hawkins, turns to the darker side of pleasure, BDSM, (or at least tries to), after having learned of his fiancée's supposed death. Over a year after Sage Weston's demise, the couple is reunited again, after her liberation from white slave traffickers.

Up until the 50 % of the story I've read, Sage shows very little of what horrors she must have gone through during her year of imprisonment. She appears very strong, too strong in my opinion, with barely any weaknesses and traumatas. The very first night the couple is reunited, Garrett is overcome by his desire to sexually dominate Sage, but suddenly stops during the love play due to guilt and later on tries (without success) to play and satisfy his lust with a bought and paid for submissive.

I was barely able to continue after that part of the story, I just couldn't understand the motivation for that particular action. I get it that Garrett turned to BDSM, albeit not very successfully because he is still hung up on Sage, to deal with his loss. I understand that he wants to dominate Sage, to stake his claim and bind her to him forever. The attraction bewteen the couple is very clear, strong and highly believable. I just don't understand how he can turn to another woman in the very first night they are reunited. My mind draws a blank at that.

And Sage apparently is so NOT engaged in dealing with her past, that she has time to plot on how to get Garrett back. Again, I understand that Garrett is the center of her life, the oxygen that kept her going during her confinement. But somehow this part doesn't ring true, as she doesn't appear to me like a character who has gone through a really horrifying and life changing past.

Sorry, but this is a DNF for me!
Fiordiligii | 3 andere besprekingen | Oct 2, 2013 |
I started this because I was in the mood for something OTT and ridiculous. I stopped this because it made me want to go on a rant about rape culture (several, actually, and I only made it to the third chapter -- and it wasn't the bdsm stuff; that hadn't really started yet and, when done well, doesn't make me react this way).

I'm going to re-read an old Julie Garwood instead -- guaranteed to be OTT ridiculous, and not piss me off.
thewalkinggirl | 3 andere besprekingen | May 6, 2013 |
As soon as Rose walked into the room Senator Mark Moore felt the attraction between them. Was Rose the submissive this dominant man had been waiting for since the death of his beloved Heather?

When reading PERMANENT MARKER, I first felt Rose to be weak, with no self-esteem. A trait I don’t normally like to see in the books I read. Although after reading the book it worked well in telling her background story and explained all the problems she had with family and mostly the men in her life. Her weakness proved a pivotal part of the story in her transformation into being a submissive. A good read.

Rating: 4

Heat rating: Hot, (*see author note in description)

Reviewed By: Rae

My Book Addiction And More
MyBookAddiction | Mar 16, 2013 |
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