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Werken van Shandor Remete


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Adelaide, South Australia, Australia



'May this book serve as a guide for the seeker who seeks Truth, and not for one who chases a fixed idea of Truth.
'Truth has many ptaths and therefore is forever fluid and elastic. The one Truth carries in itself all that ever happens.'-Shandor Remete

According to one of the forefathers of Hatha Yoga, twelfth-century poet-saint Allama Prabhudeva, 'the body is nothing but layers of frozen shadows': the shadow of joy, the shadow of the intellect, the shadow of the mundane mind, the power principle, the gross structure, the luster of the skin, and the shadow on the ground. 'By considering the list of shadows,' author Shandor Remete writes, 'one can see how different people are stuck on different planes. Some are joy-hunters; some...power-mongers, while others are intellectuals and so on. There is nothing wrong with these kinds of behavior, but by themselves they lead nowehere. However, if these shadows are correctly investigated with an open mind, then they can fuel the journey to enlightenment.' Remete examines how each shadow acts as a 'blockage of light,' and reveals the physical exercises that practitioners may use to open up the body and enhance its flow of vitality.

Shadow Yoga also covers aspects of yogic training that are little understood in popular yoga literature, such as the role of marma points (energy points in the body) and the infulence of the zodiac. Such knowledge has been almost entirely lost in modern Western schools of yoga, yet in India, it is considered essential for progress along a geninine contemplative path.

Shandor Remete, also known by his teaching name of Natanga Zhander, is the founder of Shadow Yoga, a form of yoga that addresses all aspects of self-cultivation. He was born in 1948 into a Hungarian household in Novi Knezevac, Yugoslavia, and has been practicing hatha yoga since the age of six, when his father introduced him to the practice.

His research background also includes the study of the application of varma kalai, or marma sthana, an ancient Dravidian martial and heaing art, and the Ayurveda and Siddha systems of medicine. There are Shadow Yoga courses and workships in Western Europe, Russia, Asia, the United States, and Australia.

One must understand marma sthana, the junction of nadi (subtle energy channels) and the location of vayu (movement of life-force), before beginning the study of atma (meditation).-Yoga Yajyavalkya: IX.4

'This invaluable book introduces the reading public to the full scope of the practice of genine hatha yoga. Full of hints that veteran practitioners can follow to revolutionize their practices, it should be read by every serious student of yoga.'-Dr. Robert Svoboda, author of Ayurveda: Life, Health, and Longevity and Light on Life: An Introduction to the Astrology of India

The number of times I've read this slim volume is countless as is the information and wisdom I've gleaned from it. It has been an indispensable aid in my own humble journey and I cannot recommend it enough to serious students and seekers. If you are looking for a 'dummies' type yoga book you probably won't enjoy this book but if you are looking for something deeper and willing to work then you will be well rewarded with this choice. Shadow Yoga is a dense read but Zhander's words are engaging in their conciseness and wisdom. Its clear he writes from real experience to guide and not to add to the noise that is already out there. Esoteric subjects are discussed that are not often thought of in this country (USA) as being a part of Hatha Yoga but have always been an integral part of the craft. Some of the information may seem sparse but Zhander makes it clear why, for example, the diagrams of the Shadow Yoga preludes are prefaced with the instruction that Yoga is learned from a human guide not a book or video. Learning is done in the real world and it takes time, much longer than the one month another reviewer here mentioned. I should add that I am a Shadow Yoga teacher and have worked in this system for a few years. I have been extremely blessed to have good students who have also taken on this work. I know that this system is not for everyone, but for those whom it reverberates they will find a real practice. I should add that I do not receive any monetary compensation from sales of this book; my motivation for writing is only to provide an honest impression of the book.-Andy Matinog

Do not get fooled by the 'simplicity' of this book. It offers a wealth of in-depth material that has taken a lifetime to understand. Professional athletes and dancers, professionals of any sort for that matter, make things appear very easy. Those who have achieved a certain mastery of skill can explain it VERY SIMPLY. However it takes a hell of a lot of work to get to that point. In this book, Zhander Remete displays an intelligence in the art and craft of Yoga beyond any other yoga book I have read. It can be used as a reference guide that is referred to time and time again. Cutting out all the 'crap' and personal projections, this book offers the clear and direct means required for a hatha yoga practice, one that has been lost or cut out of mainstream yoga books and classes of today. An intelligence that goes beyond the pages will come alive with the practical application of the wisdom that Mr. Remete puts forth. -Radhasri

With so many books on yoga being published these days this book is a diamond in the rough. The information is presented in a concise and potent way that reflects the depth and clarity of a master. It includes many subjects long lost in modern yoga books such as the practical role of the marma system of vital points, the tongue, and the influence of the planets on the body. Written for sincere students of hatha yoga, this is the type of book that can be read and re-read and will grow with you as your maturity and experiential insights develop. -Scott Blossom

This slim volume, with its unprepossing blue cover and just a handful
of photos, is out of step with the many glossy yoga books that are on
the market today. Shadow Yoga Chaya Yoga offers an outline of the
basic yoga practices with the directive that they 'should be learnt
directly under the guidance of an experienced teacher who is well
versed in all aspects of the art, craft and science of yoga'. The
author's terse, aphoristic style means that the text does not give
itself up on a first reading. Instead, it lends itself to
contemplative study, so that at each re-reading new understandings are
revealed. An erudite dissertation with a precisely selected
bibliography, it is clearly intended for the serious student of yoga,
and as such it delivers food for a lifetime of thought and practice. -Paula McGath

If you're looking to deepen your understanding of Hatha Yoga this book is a must. With over 50 years of experience, Shandor Remete has persistently investigated the path of Yoga on all levels: physically, energetically, mentally, intuitively and spiritually. In this work, he not only shares priceless insight into the theoretical principles which lie at the heart of this sacred science, he also discusses very practical, time-tested teachings. One may think this book is only useful to those who practice Shadow Yoga, but this is not the case. It is an invaluable contribution to the current world of Hatha Yoga and truly a gem.-Matt Pesendian

This book is a summary of various aspects of Hatha Yoga, drawn from classic Hatha Yoga texts, and the knowledge of the author. Beautiful Illustrations and diagrams throughout.
Zhander Remete has been teaching for several decades, and this concise book offers a reflection of his experience and knowledge.
Offering an overview of yoga, which the student may want to pursue further through direct study with a teacher, or further reading of the source texts listed in the bibliography, the book reflects the structure of a classic text. It is also structured like this to provide safety for the practitioner, as many of the practices referred to cannot be practiced or learned through reading the book alone, but are meant to offer a guideline for a practice learned directly from at teacher, who can guide and oversee the work of the student, and prevent any missteps. Nevertheless, the book offers informative chapters on the Vayus, Marma, Nadi, Asana, Nauli, Mudras, and the purpose and practice of Yoga.
As I understand it, Zhander did many years of research and sought out some far-flung sources of information, and in providing this book, he saves the student some of that work, in giving an idea of the various components of the yoga practice and pointing the serious student in the right direction for further study.
For Students of Hatha Yoga, this is a unique and invaluable book, and I have found myself discovering new information within the text each time I return to it, over many years. This book is unique, and a gem to include in your library if you have a serious interest in yoga. -smartflower

The author of this book began practicing yoga at age six with his father in Europe, and has continued ever since, including 20 years of study with B.K.S. Iyengar. In addition, he studied a variety of other disciplines including martial arts, traditional Indian dance, and the Ayurvedic and Siddha systems of medicine. He synthesized this body of knowledge into his original system, Shadow Yoga. This system combines movement practice with detailed knowledge of the body's energetic system including vital points (marma), chakras, winds (vayus), and nadis (channels), as well as the effects of certain foods and even the position of the planets. The name Shadow Yoga comes from the notion that 'the appearance of this body is nothing but layers of frozen shadows,' and that by investigating these shadows through yogic practice, they can be dissolved, moving the practitioner towards enlightenment.

This system incorporates to a greater degree, more of the total eight limbs of yoga, in comparison with many of the modern schools of yoga, which he criticizes for focusing too narrowly on certain aspects, such as flow or alignment. Indeed he mentions at several points that improper practice can have harmful results for the student. The Shadow Yoga system requires students to practice three preliminary sets of movements called Preludes for several years before they begin actual asana practice. Illustrations of the Preludes are included for reference at the back of the book, along with what he considers to be the 8 key asanas (all seated ones, as in the traditional texts). Some of the movements in the Preludes do resemble dance or martial arts moves, in particular some look like 'Snake Creeps Down' in Tai Chi, as well as some of the lunging postures in Kalarippayatt. However, no instruction is included, as the author wants interested students to learn the system from a live instructor, and not try to do it on their own.

The book is relatively short, but what is included is gold: the key aspects identified by the author over many years of practice, regarding subjects such as controlled intake of pure foods, influence of the zodiac on the human system, asanas, nauli kriya, pranayama, mudras and laya, as well the topics mentioned above. Most of the chapters are about three to five pages long. Nice color illustrations are included, such as diagrams of the marma points and chakras. A glossary of Sanskrit terms is also included, which is fortunate as they are heavily used throughout the text. In summary, this book is quite interesting, not as an instructional manual, but as an example of what is possible with years of dedicated practice with great teachers. -K.Frankel


How to use this book
Part 1 Knowledge
1 Shadow yoga
2 Mitahara: The controlled intake of pure foods
3 The planets and signs of the Zodiac and their influence on the human system
4 The energetic circuits of the microcosmic systems and their locations
5 One hundred and eight marmas: the vital junctions (points)
6 The chakras
7 The ten vayus (winds or motivators of the pranic force)
8 The thirteen nadis (subtle energy flows)
9 The tongue
10 Asanas: The tools
11 Nauli kriya
12 Pranayama
13 Mudras
14 Laya (absorption)
Part 2 Application
17 Preludes (diagrams)
18 Asanas (photos)
… (meer)
AikiBib | May 31, 2022 |

