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Today, I'm going to be discussing She Lost Her Muse by June Rollins. Reading the description, I was drawn in pretty much immediately, as I just moved to a new area (although the move was under different circumstances). This book focuses on Poppy, a wallflower artist who is banished to Maypole, North Carolina after being kicked out of art school for an infraction she didn't commit. Between her holier-than-thou preacher father and passive "Shrinking Violet" mother, Poppy is stuck accepting her banishment with almost no fuss.

While living in Maypole, Poppy begins to discover her family's history and just how deep those small-town bonds can be. The story itself is fairly compelling, and the characters are likable enough, but I found myself getting lost in the narrative's plot. Outside of the constantly changing perspective (which I actually liked a decent amount), there were certain moments that felt very rushed, which was disappointing. The idea of an artist having to find their voice after losing a major part of their identity is so interesting. I didn't think the associated magical elements were necessary. If they were deemed un-deletable, then I wish there had been some more exploration into what it means, because as of right now, I'm just left confused and a little frustrated.

I think that this book really has such potential, it plays into the concept of owning yourself and your work, and not letting anyone discourage you. Rollins also highlights the importance of various types of friendships, which I think is a wonderful way to look at handling the movement to a new place.
I will admit, I connected with the characters and plot enough that I want to read the next book, so I will be anxiously awaiting that release.

Overall Rating: 2.5/5
ghostie_reads | 1 andere bespreking | Jul 13, 2021 |
This book was different than I was expecting. That isn't necessarily a bad thing, I was expecting a typical coming of age story, but this story wasn't typical. There was a lot to it, it felt like a glimpse into someone's complicated life. Most coming of age stories make me roll my eyes and shake my head. This one did not. I felt like there was a complexity to it that served it well. Maybe her reactions were a little dramatic. Honestly, who doesn't react dramatically sometimes?

There was a touch of mystery to the story. Questions about the family secrets hidden within that house popped up all over the place. There is way more that we as readers don't find out. This story wraps up some of them, but we still have a lot more. I won't go into details because spoilers, but know, they are there. I am hoping the next book in the series will answer them. I eagerly await it because I need to know.

The main character is easy to care about, from the first chapter we see some of the relationship issues that will be a major plot line throughout the entire book. We can relate to Poppy because we have all had an experience similar to her. We have self-doubt, relationship problems, fear. We always want someone to make it through those struggles, we find encouragement from their experience.

Some struggles I had were with how the "Christians" were portrayed. A lot of them seemed to have a cold, harsh doctrine. I know some Christians are like that, but it goes against what the Bible says about Love. I think It would have been fine if it had been countered by having some Christians that showed that love and acceptance. Christianity isn't strict rules and dominance. I think that was what the author was going for, they showed how wrong the father's beliefs are. It was needed in the story and I do see the need for it, but there wasn't enough good to balance it. People reading this book might be confused or might misunderstand Christianity. I just wouldn't want people to assume that all Christians are like that because they aren't. Some of the characters that Poppy met said they were Christians, but it wasn't presented enough in my opinion, it was easy to forget. It definitely wasn't a main point made, and I feel it should have been because of how cruel the father came across.

One might question why her mother bothered staying with such a man, it was a thought I had, one I think will be addressed in the next book. There is still a lot surrounding her mom that we don't know. She knows more than she is letting on, she holds the key to the family secrets.

Watching Poppy come into her own and face her struggles, making it past them and thriving, felt like I was walking through it all with her, as a friend. I really liked the way things concluded with some of her "friends." Not having closure around that would have bugged me to no end. She still has struggles ahead, who doesn't? The story is just beginning and now it seems like we are going to be diving into the secrets of the past and exploring a new world, one with mystique and wonder.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. I was not swayed to write a good review, all the opinions given are honest and completely my own.
AshRaye | 1 andere bespreking | Apr 1, 2021 |
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