Afbeelding auteur

Jeanette Rose

Auteur van The Maiden & The Unseen

5 Werken 47 Leden 6 Besprekingen


Werken van Jeanette Rose

The Maiden & The Unseen (2022) — Auteur — 26 exemplaren, 2 besprekingen
Book 3: A Hades & Persephone Retelling (Love and Fate) (2024) — Auteur — 6 exemplaren
Queen of Vampire Hearts (Fated Loves Book 1) (2019) 5 exemplaren, 2 besprekingen
Snow White (Ever After, #1) 2 exemplaren, 1 bespreking


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After the way book one left me hanging, I couldn't wait to dive into this one... unfortunately, it also ends on a cliffhanger! It was so easy to fall back into Hades and Persephone's world(s) again. This is a bit darker than book one, but no less tense, steamy, and addicting. They've finally found each other, but it's not smooth sailing for these fated lovers. Getting to see the cracks and vulnerabilities in both Hades and Persephone made them seem more human in some ways, but that's not a bad thing. My biggest complaint (besides the cliffhanger), was Persephone's struggle with communicating with Hades. That said, it kind of fits because she's never had a truly serious relationship, and I don't think it's a skill her mother instilled in her. I do recommend this is you love myth retellings, and spicy romance.… (meer)
LilyRoseShadowlyn | Apr 27, 2024 |
I love retellings, and seeing the new spins authors put on myths and fairytales, and I really enjoyed reading this one! I love how (some) of the gods are now on Earth, living among mortals, disguising their true nature. Having Hades spending 6 months on Earth, 6 in the underworld, instead of Persephone being forced to split her time was a great twist on the old myth. I will warn you - this gets pretty steamy, and it strays pretty far from the original myth (which is what makes retellings so much fun at times), but the worst part is the cliffhanger! Rune & Rose did a great job of drawing you into the story, and keeping the descriptions vivid enough that you might see some steam rising off your kindle during some of the scenes. If you like retellings that take you way off the beaten path, with a lot of spice, you're going to enjoy this. I'm off to dive into book two!… (meer)
LilyRoseShadowlyn | 1 andere bespreking | Apr 13, 2024 |
I requested this as I enjoy reading retellings. Unfortunately, I did not enjoy this version. I did like that characters from other fairy tales were in this book, but that was about it.
The first few pages were good and the Azura makes a crass comment and I am thinking to myself, who even thinks like that?! I move on and it seems to be more of the same, from then on, I struggled, and when the action in the bedroom between Azura and another person happened it just put me off completely.
Sadly, this was not for me.… (meer)
StressedRach | Jun 14, 2023 |
I got an Arc of this book from Netgalley.
It started out with promise, and I was looking forward to a good Hades/Persephone story, but it's definitely one spice book that would have benefitted from a slower burn, the characters also make some choices that make no sense.
I find it a bit had sympathizing with Persephone when we learn she's pretty much strung along this guy for a year without having any real feelings for him, and then continues to do so when things heat up with Hades, before finally getting out of that relationship.
When they finally do get together it turns really angsty, but instead of having an actual conversation they just have sex. I don't have a problem with spicy books, but there were sections were it almost felt like the authors were more interested in getting to the next sex scene than actually driving a plot forward.
I wasn't expecting it to end of a cliffhanger, as the story seemed pretty self contained at the start. I am wondering what the next book will be like though.

I liked the friends that were introduced and would have liked some more of them in the book, especially Helios and Mellie.
I did also enjoy the initial banter between Hades and Persephone, and the friendship that was developing between Persephone and Mellie.

So in short if you're favourite thing is spice it's def worth your time, if you need a more plot driven story you might wanna give this one a pass.
… (meer)
KayleeWin | 1 andere bespreking | Apr 19, 2023 |

