Afbeelding van de auteur.
3 Werken 128 Leden 3 Besprekingen

Over de Auteur

He is the photographer/owner of Stadium Views. He lives in Mahwah, New Jersey. (Bowker Author Biography)

Bevat de naam: Ira Rosen

Fotografie: Judy Rosen

Werken van Ira Rosen


Algemene kennis




Very interesting book. I'm glad I stumbled across it. I was disappointed to find such big egos on the correspondents, but I guess that is to be expected. This was a fascinating look behind the scenes at 60 Minutes. More about the gathering of information, not such much technical or editing process. I appreciated learning about the role of the producer. Ira Rosen is a good storyteller. Good narrator and it was fun to hear Mr Rosen's voice at the beginning and again at the end of the book.
njcur | 2 andere besprekingen | Nov 28, 2023 |
I listened to the audio version of this book. For some reason, the author chose to narrate the first and last chapters and left it to a professional reader to do the rest.
I am ambivalent about both Rosen and his book. I learned a lot about 60 Minutes and how they get their stories. I also learned that as a producer, Rosen seems to feel like he’s in an ego contest with just about every correspondent he has worked with. The average viewer of 60 Minutes doesn’t have a clue what a producer does, and, like it or not, the correspondent is the star of the show. Rosen didn’t have a lot good to say about some of the highest profile correspondents he worked with, including Mike Wallace and Steve Croft. And Rosen seems to talk out of both sides of his mouth about macho guys like those two and some of the gangsters he bellied up to to get stories. I also found his discussion of the CBS Me Too scandals, including Les Moonves and Charlie Rose scandal to be interesting. He insists that he sympathizes with the women involved with these leches, but when he heard about the charges against Rose and his subsequent firing by the network, Rosen’s immediate concern wasn’t for the women Rose preyed on (even though earlier in the book, he admitted that Rose was the quintessential “woman’s man”); he thought to call Charlie to “see if he was ok.” He also spoke to a group of journalists and admitted that he told them that “flirting” was a legitimate tool to use in gathering information for a story. I would love to have been near the women in that audience to hear their thoughts.
Overall the book was interesting, but in general I found Rosen to be a blowhard.
… (meer)
FormerEnglishTeacher | 2 andere besprekingen | Jul 21, 2023 |
Ira Rosen's rambling reminiscence and revelations of his career behind the scenes producing the renowned investigative news program. Although there is a lot of scintillating insides onto what took place over the years I found it a bit flat. His profiles and relations with some of the note worthies such as Wallace and Kroft were at times interesting and revealing. Both difficult men to work with and Ira should be noted for putting up with their crap over the years.

There was a lot of info on some of the famous stories and investigations they did and again interesting at times, slow at other times. The one factor which both made the series famous and manipulative was how they could really shape and edit their pieces to really sway perceptions, and not always fairly. But what is fair after all in journalism anymore. Fake news the new buzzword, often pioneered by this news program.… (meer)
knightlight777 | 2 andere besprekingen | Apr 13, 2021 |


½ 3.6

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