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this has so much potential to be so good, but it was just meh, at best. there is interesting stuff in here for sure, and i think this would probably be a really good philosophy class in college where these topics can be discussed and dissected. (in fact, i think the author is a professor and i suspect that he teaches this class and people have told him it's so interesting that he should write a book. but it turns out that it doesn't translate very well into that format.) the problem is just that - the format. it wouldn't work as a class if it was just a lecture with no opportunity to think of examples and spar with ideas. to introduce a basic concept and then to delve more deeply into it. this is a good discussion class topic, but as a lecture i wouldn't like it, and as a lecture masquerading as a book i didn't like it either.½
overlycriticalelisa | Apr 15, 2021 |