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A book all religious fanatics should read. My frustration with "Evangelicals" was elevated throughout most of this book. The moral superiority of their dogma and the necessary concomitant inconsistency with the human condition are so glaring that it frustrates me almost as much as how the dogma misses the true message of Jesus of Nazareth. This author finally got there, thanks to his wife. His education, well after most of the damage he caused, helped too. The revelation the Christian Right has been used by folks who are really just lining the pockets of the wealthy and perpetrating institutional racism was a welcoming aspect of this book of transformation through a true effort to find God. It is a true story of redemption and a pull back of the curtain that shrouds so many poor, uneducated, racism infused souls. It is worthy of five stars for its cultural and political importance but I cannot bring myself to put the fifth star. This reveals my emotional immaturity for which I confess and pray to atone.
DonaldPowell | Feb 5, 2019 |