Afbeelding auteur

Patricia Selbert

Auteur van The House of Six Doors

1 werk(en) 13 Leden 8 Besprekingen

Werken van Patricia Selbert

The House of Six Doors (2011) 13 exemplaren, 8 besprekingen


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I read this for the Just For Fun Challenge which encourages reading one book that has been on the TBR shelf for a long time and without doing a review. I still rated this book though and I loved it.
Carolee888 | 7 andere besprekingen | Apr 11, 2014 |
Number The Stars and The Cay were required reading in my 6th grade language arts class. When I read The House of Six Doors, it felt like one of those books and I swear that I felt like I was a 6th grader again, reading a good story and having to analyze and remember the characters and plot. This wasn't a bad thing nor did it have a negative effect on the way I felt about this book after I read it. I believed it made me remember the important qualities that stories like Number The Stars and The Cay had that left an impact on me as a young reader.

Serena is a thirteen year old girl who is brought to the United States, along with her older sister by their mama. When they arrive to the states, nothing goes according to plan, which leads the trio on a road trip that starts off in Miami and ends in Hollywood. Blinded by her desire of fortune, Mama becomes determined in making both her daughters into movie stars. This is just the beginning for Serena and her sister as they undergo life changing experiences and see that life in a whole new country is filled with many challenges.

The writing in this book was absolutely wonderful. Beautiful imagery and descriptions about CuraƧao from the memories of Serena truly made the story seem very real to me. It was a nice experience, imagining the bright colors and exotic smells of the foreign island. Not to mention that the reader develops a bond with Serena, due to the fact that we get to watch her transform from a young naive and innocent girl, into a wise women. Themes such as childhood, foreign cultures, and first love set stage for wonderfully crafted coming of age story.
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Euphoria13 | 7 andere besprekingen | May 9, 2011 |
The House Of Six Doors is a wonderful story about coming of age in an unknown country. Patricia Selbert managed to incorporate all the insecurities and fears of every teenager but also of someone new to the US and the sense of wonder that they feel.

Serena has no clue what to expect when she arrives in the US with her mother and her sister, Hendrika. All she really knows is that life is going to be different, hopefully better. Things aren't as easy as expected though and life is difficult. School, family, friends, and first love all throw curveballs Serena's way and she must learn to face the difficulties head on and learn to stand on her own two feet.

One of the most unique aspects of The House Of Six Doors is the time length it covers. It's not just months, it's years. You see Serena as a young teenager at the beginning but by the end she is a young woman. I liked seeing exactly how she changed over the years and how each event shaped who she became.

The plot was good but a bit slow at times. There was a lot going on in the book but some things just seemed to drag. I felt like I would have been okay with a bit less detail at times.

Overall, The House Of Six Doors is a great book. There is some sexual content though so I would recommend this one for older teens. Otherwise I think it's a wonderful story that I think everyone can relate to.
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kbpup903 | 7 andere besprekingen | Mar 20, 2011 |
Lovely journey to the Caribbean island of Curacao. Selbert weaves the present and past together beautiful, creating a mesmerizing experience. The nuggets of wisdom we are left with are precious.
erikaromer | 7 andere besprekingen | Feb 14, 2011 |




½ 4.3