Afbeelding auteur

Mary SelbyBesprekingen

Auteur van A Wing and a Prayer

20 Werken 96 Leden 8 Besprekingen


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Who knew you could meet your soulmate over crushed cupcakes ???

Jackson Devlin, heir apparent to a ranching dynasty knew life had become interesting upon bumping into a young, cupcake laden Hailey in junior high. He didn't however know that he'd just met his possible future. Possible. Two kids who enjoyed taunting one another in youth, then slowly gained friendship later that eventually became much more. He was adored by all in their small town. Not for anything he did, or for who he was at his core. Nope, they all revered him because of who his father and his money/influence. Little did they know he himself held no sway, and was little more than unpaid labor. To say his father was a jerk is indeed an understatement. Hailey was the ONLY person who truly knew him as a person and cared. What happened next was an utter tragedy....but to learn what happened, you'll have to read this amazing book. I fell in love with this cast of characters, and definitely cheered on both Jackson and Hailey. I look forward to seeing what happens to each of them in future books. This is a book about childhood , young love, growing up and the MANY lessons that brings. Sometimes out of pain we're blessed with clarity and the most beautiful gifts.
txbritgal | Apr 6, 2021 |
WOW! I loved the first book of this series (which you don't need to have read prior to this, but it does help) , but this was was even more packed with excitement!! Filled with an abusive father that uses any means necessary to control his sons.... There's much deception, guilt, bad memories, and hope. Can one truly change? Is redemption possible? How much can love survive? This journey was well worth every speed bump along the way, and I'm looking forward to seeing what comes next. I really loved how the women in this book have such inner strength and fire when needed. Its an amazing journey filled with pain, betrayal, healing, and many forms of love.
txbritgal | Apr 6, 2021 |
It's a good story.


izzied | Oct 29, 2020 |
A good story. Time travel romance.
izzied | Oct 29, 2020 |
a really good time-travel story. The hero is amazing, he's rough, alpha, though gentile and attentive. The only thing that bothered me, since I like medieval stories, was that the first half of the story was to much in the present in particular in her childhood.
mieke-sam | Sep 21, 2018 |
The blurb for Entertaining Angels did not sound all that appealing, but friends’ recommendations prompted me to give it a chance. An elderly gentleman from a small village has commissioned an artist, Julia, to sculpt an angel for the local church. Julia has trouble mustering the inspiration get started, but is determined to win through and make a place for herself and her autistic daughter, Hebe, in the village community.

This book was pleasant to read, and quite original. I was cross at first that Julia seemed to need a man to function properly, but on reflection I wonder if it was indeed a need, or more of a happy coincidence. As one other character pointed out, we shouldn’t be afraid to take inspiration where we can find it: there’s no point being snobby if it stops you making the best of what you have.
Sorrel | 1 andere bespreking | Oct 7, 2010 |
After no more than forty pages I decided this one wasn't for me. Other tags here inform me that this was actually aimed at the teenage market which may explain why.
dsc73277 | 1 andere bespreking | Jul 30, 2009 |
Any brief description of this campus novel will sell it short. It is, without doubt, a comic novel but any further attempts to slot it into a single genre are doomed. It could be a romance but the only other romance novels that contain dragons are historical romances. It is not a fantasy novel despite its supernatural elelements; the milieu is so obviously contemporary Cambridge. The author shows her delight in Barbara Cartland, PG Wodehouse, Malcolm Bradbury, Richmal Crompton, Douglas Adams, and Terry Pratchett in a style that is all her own. The result is hugely entertaining with a cast of credible characters of all ages.½
TheoClarke | Apr 30, 2008 |
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