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I was eager to read this book after it received such great reviews on Amazon. I found the book disappointing. It did start off great as I got to know the characters, I was expecting the key party to be the highlight of the book. But before the party took place, strange things were revealed about the characters (Jason was molested by his mother, Rick was purchasing escorts, Kevin has a secret crush on Renee, etc.). By the time the date of the party arrived, I felt the characters had too many issues to participate in a key party (spouse/partner swapping among friends) - it sounded like a recipe for disaster. Then, the party itself was a flop - one female decided to pursue another female which left two of the males without dates.

Naturally, with the exception of the hostess, it was downhill for the other couples. I do agree with many of the reviewers that the authors did leave a lot of loose ends - probably fully anticipating a sequel. But, for me, I had started to lose interest in the characters before the party so I have no desire to read any more about what happened to or with them. I would not recommend this book.
Chicagoan | 2 andere besprekingen | Jul 12, 2010 |
This novel tells the lives of four girlfriends and their mates along with the aftermath of a Key Party can thier friendship and relationships stay in tact after the fun is over. A very entertaining read for a debut novel.
juateen | 2 andere besprekingen | Apr 18, 2007 |
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