Afbeelding auteur

William SketchleyBesprekingen

Auteur van The Cocker

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The Cocker is the classic cockfighting manual from the early 19th century (1814 specifically) containing all of William Sketchley's knowledge on the art and practice of cockfighting acquired during his youth in the late 1700s.

Surprisingly for a book on cockfighting more than half is dedicated to the health and welfare of the stags, cocks, pullets & hens. A quarter is spent on breeding and the remaining quarter is specifically about the practice and strategy (eg don't sign up for a match where your cock has to travel a long way, whereas the opponent does not as your bird will be fatigued no matter how well your preparation and at a disadvantage).

Having been breeding chickens for awhile I can say there are some insightful tips in this book as well as many still relevant breeding guidelines for general chicken keeping.

That it's over 200 years old, bound in fine red leather and has that indescribable waft of age which made reading it a sensory pleasure was also a bonus.½
HenriMoreaux | Aug 21, 2016 |