Afbeelding auteur

Mathew Specktor

Auteur van That Summertime Sound

1 werk(en) 9 Leden 2 Besprekingen

Werken van Mathew Specktor

That Summertime Sound (2009) 9 exemplaren, 2 besprekingen


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I was there, too. He pretty much nails the atmosphere -- people, places, the music. Names have been changed to protect the -- um ,er, innocent? The narrator's love interest is flighty and annoying. I hope the person she's based on wasn't really like this (I met her once or twice. It's probably a good thing I didn't know her well because if she was like this, I would have wanted to smack her upside the head).
snooksmcdermott | 1 andere bespreking | Apr 6, 2013 |
That Summertime Sound was an interesting book. It read like a love letter to music lovers. I love how the author gets across how music can make you feel if you really listen and are really invested in the music. It was encompassed in the story of a guy spending the summer in Columbus after his first year of college. He heard Columbus was the place to be so he went back with a few college friends to see for himself.

For some reason this book (which is only 268 pages long) took me a significant amount of time to read, over a week. I think it had something to do with how detailed the language was. And because of that I think it would make for a great book to listen to in the audio version, to be able to really take your time with it.

To me the book had a few too many plotlines so it made it hard for me to focus on one thing because I wasn't sure where to place that focus. I think to me the one standout plot was about the un-named main character's interactions with his favorite band that he goes to Columbus to see, Lords of Oblivion and its frontman Nic. I did like how some of the characters were so detailed with rather large back stories in a few cases.

But even though it wasn't the easiest book for me to read I'm glad I read it. I'm not sure that I've read anything like it before. It definitely makes me want to explore some of the music and genres talked about in this book! And just explore more music in general!
… (meer)
mint910 | 1 andere bespreking | Sep 20, 2009 |

