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The Woman's Bible delivers inspiring and enlightening commentary related to the control and secondary roles of women in the Old Testament.

The author offers contrasts of the original Hebrew versions opposed to the license that translators took to create distortions in words and meaning.

Sequence is a bit choppy and Abraham needed more insight into his willingness to kill his son instead of himself.
m.belljackson | 6 andere besprekingen | Apr 26, 2024 |
This remarkable autobiography of the "Reminiscences" of Elizabeth Cody Stanton shines in so many directions on the early, too many early,
years of fighting for Women to have the Right to Vote.

From defending babies and children's freedoms, she advocates against slavery, then moves strongly - in writings and speeches around the country
and across the Atlantic. She counted Susan B. Anthony and Lucretia Mott among her many, many friends working together to change male
dictatorship and ruling over women after marriage.

While raising SEVEN children and managing big households, she joined with William Lloyd Garrison and Frederick Douglas to change the world.

Sure wish that more had been included about her husband, Henry Stanton
and that Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth's writings had been included - now inspired to order [THE WOMAN'S BIBLE]!
m.belljackson | 1 andere bespreking | Mar 30, 2024 |
En 1892 Elizabeth Cady Stanton, sufragista, abolicionista y pionera en la lucha por los derechos de las mujeres, escribió un discurso de hondo calado feminista y existencialista en el que defendía la plena autonomía de las mujeres basándose precisamente en la inconmensurable y radical soledad de todos los seres humanos.

Negar a las mujeres una buena preparación y un pleno desarrollo de sus facultades sería atentar contra la mitad de la humanidad, estando como estamos todos condenados y obligados a depender de nuestros propios recursos ante los envites de la vida. De manera sencilla e incontestable, Stanton ofreció argumentos demoledores en favor de la independencia y la libertad femeninas.

Ese memorable discurso, que aunaba de manera tan bella como sugerente la urgencia política y la hondura filosófica, llevaba por título La soledad del ser y es ya historia en mayúsculas del feminismo estadounidense.
bibliotecayamaguchi | Nov 15, 2023 |
Published in the late nineteenth century, THE WOMEN'S BIBLE was an unbelievably progressive book for its time, and is still progressive for modern times. Abrahamic religious denominations often purport patriarchal values, and base those principles on their religious texts. In this work, Elizabeth Cady Stanton presents a critical, radical feminist critique of the books of the Christian Bible. She was knowledgeable in Greek, and in history, and was able to offer viewpoints and rationale that were considered too far-reaching for most suffragettes and other supporters of women's rights.

Her goal was that, through reading and considering THE WOMAN'S BIBLE, females would not again allow an external source to dictate the ways in which they lived. Women's lives are as equally valid, valuable, and necessary as those of men. Absolute equality was innate, and the enforced inferiority of religions on the female congregation were false.

At almost 500 pages, the text is a bit of a slog to get through, but it is worth the effort. The author does not suggest that women should divorce themselves from religious beliefs and practices, only that women should understand that most of the dogma and patriarchal traditions were not part of the religions as they were initially conceived. It was through men's adaptation of the religious texts, through translation and teaching, skewed towards a male-dominated scheme. But it doesn't have to be this way.
BooksForYears | 6 andere besprekingen | Nov 4, 2016 |
Published in the late nineteenth century, THE WOMEN'S BIBLE was an unbelievably progressive book for its time, and is still progressive for modern times. Abrahamic religious denominations often purport patriarchal values, and base those principles on their religious texts. In this work, Elizabeth Cady Stanton presents a critical, radical feminist critique of the books of the Christian Bible. She was knowledgeable in Greek, and in history, and was able to offer viewpoints and rationale that were considered too far-reaching for most suffragettes and other supporters of women's rights.

Her goal was that, through reading and considering THE WOMAN'S BIBLE, females would not again allow an external source to dictate the ways in which they lived. Women's lives are as equally valid, valuable, and necessary as those of men. Absolute equality was innate, and the enforced inferiority of religions on the female congregation were false.

At almost 500 pages, the text is a bit of a slog to get through, but it is worth the effort. The author does not suggest that women should divorce themselves from religious beliefs and practices, only that women should understand that most of the dogma and patriarchal traditions were not part of the religions as they were initially conceived. It was through men's adaptation of the religious texts, through translation and teaching, skewed towards a male-dominated scheme. But it doesn't have to be this way.
BooksForYears | 6 andere besprekingen | Nov 4, 2016 |
This is a reissue, with new introduction, of The Woman's Bible, the annotated one-tenth of the Christian Bible that deals with women, originally published by the women's Revising Committee and copyright Elizabeth Cady Stanton in 1895... The book has two parts: the first discusses the Pentateuch and the second the books of Kings, Judges, the prophets, and the apostles.
flag monado | Mar 24, 2013 |
DevizesQuakers | 6 andere besprekingen | Apr 19, 2016 |
This is a reissue, with new introduction, of The Woman's Bible, the annotated one-tenth of the Christian Bible that deals with women, originally published by the women's Revising Committee and copyright Elizabeth Cady Stanton in 1895. The editors used the first and third editions of the book as their source. The book has two parts: the first discusses the Pentateuch and the second the books of Kings, Judges, the prophets, and the apostles.
monado | 6 andere besprekingen | Mar 24, 2013 |
A look at the women of the Bible and their stories, by a group of women in the early 20th century. The stories they select are interesting, and ones that are often paid little attention to, and the commentary is lively. The book is somewhat dated, and many of the commentary actually demonstrate a high level of moralizing that is only slightly less puritanical than the Christian writers of the day. This is a good reminder that many of the women who were working for women's suffage actually wanted the vote so they could vote for restrictive laws based on a version of morality that had become the accepted version of the day, based on little more than personal distaste for "loose women", "obscenity", and the demon rum. The book is easy to read, and it's fun to look through the commentary that puts another spin on the stories. It reminds you of women in the Bible that weren't as popular as the ones we hear about all the time, and puts into perspective the inherent sexism that oozes from the book so many people swear by, but have never actually read. Recommended highest for those that wll never be willing to read it.
1 stem
Devil_llama | 6 andere besprekingen | Jan 26, 2013 |
Stanton and committee take verses in the bible, old and new testaments, that directly refer to women. Greek and Hebrew scholars are responsible for translation from the original work, others are historians and will put their talents to use there, and the last of the committee will be "commentators".
Ellens_ESO | 6 andere besprekingen | Apr 26, 2012 |
This was my first ebook, amazon has it for free. Stanton's writting is easy reading and humorous. Loved seeing her personality shining through. Gives a very personal look at the suffrage movement and her relationship w/Susan Anthony.
Jeanperry | 1 andere bespreking | Mar 10, 2012 |
Stanton cites Shakespeare's TITUS ANDRONICUS for the story of the "rude men" who seized the King's daughter, cut out her tongue, cut off her hands, and then bid her call for water and wash her hands. The very picture of a woman robbed of her natural rights, and then expected, compelled, to perform.
keylawk | Nov 1, 2007 |
norton book of american autobiography parts interesting parts boring
mahallett | Nov 30, 2018 |
Toon 12 van 12