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With millions of people in or entering the homeschool arena today, and with seemingly as many methods of homeschooling, deciding what curriculum & method of homeschooling is best for your family can be overwhelming.

Paul & Gena Suarez have put together a book called Homeschool Methods: Seasoned Advice on Learning Styles that help to demystifiy these approaches & styles.

Homeschool Methods (HM) covers 'Classical Education', the 'Charlotte Mason method', the 'Textbook approach', 'Unit Studies', the 'Principle Approach', 'Unschooling', and 'Eclectic'. It also discusses topics such as 'Special Needs', 'Whole Hearted Learning' and a method that I have never heard of 'Car Schooling'. Each method has an introduction written by the Suarezes and two chapters that were written by two different 'experts' of that approach. Amongst these 'experts' are Christine Miller, Diana Waring, Maggie Hogan, Catherine Levision, and Douglas Wilson to mention a few.

Diana Waring discusses, in the 'Eclectic' chapter, the different learning styles. She states 'As homeschooling parents we need to be set free with the 'one size fits all' mentaility that we experienced in school, and we need to allow our children space and grace as they try out these different areas in everyday life, discovering their unique blend of strengths and weaknesses.' If you need help deciding what approach is right for you and your family and how to give them the 'space and grace' then read this book!
kayinpa | Feb 27, 2009 |